The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 65

Kelly's consumed a bottle of vodka during his flight from Washington D.C. to Ottawa International airport. A storm over buffalo delayed the Bowing DC-10 airplane exactly three hours.

Kelly was still disoriented and drunk as he stepped off the plane and into the Canada’s border control office. The line was slow and cumbersome as Kelly made his way to the passport counter.

“Name?” board guard interrogated Kelly. “Jonathan Cambridge,” Kelly lied.

“Your residence, please sir?” “Washington, D.C.”

“Your occupation, please sir?”


“Your reason for visit Canada?”


Suspicion swirled in the inept border guard’s mind as gazed at Dexter’s fake passport. A forbidding look crossed the guard’s face as he allowed kelly to pass through security unscathed. Kelly continued to the baggage claim as a tall, slender man in a gray overcoat approached him and said, “My name is Carl; I work for Dexter Framingham.”

Kelly extended his hand and uttered, “John Kelly.”

“I set you up with a trusted driver and a hotel room. Your bag is being claimed by an associate as we speak,” Carl uttered as he hastily pushed Kelly into a black BMW sedan.

Carl had short military hair cut, hazelnut colored eyes, high cheek bones and elongated nose. A dark navy blue sweater, a pair of black slacks and a pair of brown leather shoe completed Carl’s urban, youthful look. Carl was exactly the type of person Dexter would hire as a spy, smart, brave, loyal and dangerous.

“We have found Robert Freeman aka Thomas Pain. His home is located on the other side of town near the Saint Paul University. or the past fifteen years he has been an English teacher at the catholic university. Widowed five years ago. He has one fat black cat called Buddy.”

Kelly read Carl's impressive report on his old friend Robert Freeman. “What exactly am I supposed to do? I can't just walk up to a man I haven’t seen in forty years and say funny seeing you here Robert,” Kelly insisted.

“No,” Carl quickly snapped, “I have arranged a meeting with you and Robert Freeman tonight at the old tavern on Walnut Street.”

“He knows I am coming?”

“No,” Carl snapped again unapologetically. “Mr. Freeman thinks he is going to meet an agent for the central intelligent agency.”

“The CIA?”

Carl was frustrated working with an amateur, like Kelly. “Listen carefully, I don’t know what director Framingham is up to, but you better not screw this investigation, I have been tracking this guy for two months now.” Carl took a drag of his cigarette and open the window.  “Bob Freeman and a couple of his free thinking college teachers are involved in gun smuggling and money laundry operation. I have persuaded Robert to testifying about his friend’s illegal activities. He believe he is meeting with CIA agent named Jonathan Cambridge.”

“Who is Jonathan Cambridge?”

Carl pulled out a fake CIA badge and threw it at Kelly and said, “You are.”

“Why don't you meet with Robert yourself?”

“The FBI can’t conducting illegal active such as this in a foreign country. Beside you know Mr. Freeman. After you meet up with Robert, escort him to your hotel room. I will then extract both of you out of Canada and deliver him to Dexter Framingham.”

The car suddenly stopped. “This is your hotel, you have two-hours, I will meet you in the lobby before your meeting with Robert Freeman.”

A chill went up Kelly’s spine as he looked into Carl’s suspicious looking eyes.