The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter: 75.

“Doctor Brown and his staff must be playing strip porker or engaged in some kind of party,” Dennis thought to himself as he waited for someone to pick up the phone.  Finally, after the twelfth ring, Doctor Brown’s assistant Jenny Johnson picked up the phone.

“Doctor Brown, this is Dennis Paterson, I need to find a terrorist.”

The blaring music and rudeness within the FBI computer lab quickly subsided. “Sorry agent Paterson this is his agent Jenny Johnson. The dock is tied up right now and unable to talk on the phone; may I help you?”

“Tied up, yeah, he is probably tied up with the blond secretary down the hall,” Dennis thought to himself. “Maybe you can help Jenny, I need to locate a terrorist know as Martinez and a know associate named Robert f. Dubinsky aka Albert Kandinsky. Their last know whereabouts where Geneva, Switzerland.”

“Okay, but it will take some time, but we will find them.”

“Great, agent Holloway and I are traveling back to D.C. today. We should be there by tomorrow morning. Please have Doctor Brown call me when he finds Martinez.”

“Yes, of course agent Paterson. Director Framingham just informed us that Senator Anderson is alive.”

An astonish looked quickly emanated from the agent’s face. “The senator is alive? Great we need to talk to the senator when we get back to D.C.”

“That's it, that is all your going to do to find an international terrorist?” said captain Rhyner as Dennis hanged up the phone.

“Yeah, for now. Anything from Interpol captain Rhyner?”

“Nothing from Interpol; we’ll just have to wait.”

“Did you’re men find any evidence in the terrorist plane?”

“No, my men searched the plane and found no evidence, no notes, no computer not even a floppy disk.”

Dennis was obvious emotionally drained and agitated after chasing Martinez for the last four days.  His unusual positive disposition was waring thin.  His polite personally was pulverized and his fragile emotions had quickly disseminated.

Katherine was still emotional shaken up as captain Rhyner and Dennis walked towards André airplane. It was noticeable to Dennis that kitty was still dramatize and bereaved by her friend’s sudden murder.

“The police are interviewing the pilot right now, but I drought, he will give us anything,” captain Rhyner speculated.

Dennis deliberated whether to seize the pilot and bring him back to an FBI blackout site and torture him till the pilot revealed where Martinez and Dubinsky are located. Dennis looked at captain Rhyner’s uncooperative attitude and decided to skip the torture today and let the Swiss authorities hold the little fish. Dennis figured it would be wise to fly back to Washington D.C. and regroup with the director of the FBI, Dexter Framingham.