The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 76

“Where to sir?” André private pilot inquired as Dennis entered the airplane. Dennis cast his  brown eyes upon Katherine as she cried into Craig’s shoulder.

Dennis pondered for a moment then said, “I guess back to Paris to drop off Private Barnett.”

“Yes, sir,” the pilot affirmed.

The flight to Paris felt like being at a wake for a long-lost pal. The tears streamed down Katherine's beautiful face as they landed at Charles De Gaulle airport.

Anxiety gripped Dennis’s troubled mind as he envisioned the reception they would receive from director Andre’Rouèche. Dennis felt guilty and did not what to see André under these stressful situations.

As a veteran of the Vietnam War, Dennis knew what it was like to lose a partner and a close friend. Many of Dennis’s FBI friends including his old partner Rodger Campbell have died in his arms. Dennis realized that it was going to be a tough road ahead of Private Barnett.

Katherine was still plagued with sadness and despair as Dennis and Craig accompanied her to the DST Headquarters. Jennifer's death was going to scar Katherine for the rest of her life. Dennis reluctantly walked into the DST office with Katherine in hand.

As agent Holloway walked Katherine towards André’s office, the crowded DST office was suddenly quiet as a tomb. Katherine’s fellow DST agents bestowed angry and despairing looks upon the FBI agents as they slowly made their way through the DST office. Kitty’s friends and colleagues consoled her loss with kisses and hugs. The tension within the agency quietly reached a critical point as Katherine rushed into André’s open, loving arms.

Tears slowly trickled down Katherine’s face as she embraced Andre.  Katherine slowly regained her spirit and integrity a she warmly embraced Andre.

Private Barnett’s tear filled eyes gaze upon the two FBI agents. Her emotions quickly manifest themselves into genuine appreciation. Katherine hugged and kissed Dennis and Craig before dispersing out the office door.

Unfortunately for Dennis and Craig, the shit storm was just about to start. “What the hell is wrong with you?” André screamed at the FBI agents in front of the entire DST staff.

The humiliation was too much to bear for agent Holloway. He stood there belligerent and definitely in Andre's face. “Don’t talk to us about our duty Andre, where were you? We fought side by side with Private Barnett right to the very end.”

Dennis pushed Craig into a chair and tried to prevent Craig from killing Andre.

Regret filled Dennis's heart as he solemnly approached André with his head bowed low and whispered, “I am sorry director that was not called for, but Craig is right, where were your men?”

A despicable look suddenly flooded André’s face as resentment, animosity and malice swirled within his soul. Andre desperately fought back the urge to pull out his gun a shoot Craig squarely between the eyes.

“Craig put his butt on the line to save your agent,” Dennis pleaded.

André suddenly felt remorse as he uttered. “I appreciate that agent Holloway.” André extended his hand towards Craig.

A sinister look crept across Craig’s face as he stared defiantly back at Andre.

Agent Paterson quickly grabbed Andre’s out stretched hand and apologetically said, “I sorry Andre.”

“Where are you off to now?” André inquired.

“We on our way back to Washington, D.C. We have more question for Senator Anderson. We will find Jennifer McGraven’s murderer and bring him to justice.”

“Fuck justice, when you find him, agent Paterson, put two bullets in his head just for me.”

Craig stormed out of the director’s office. Dennis turned and shook Andre and said,

“Sorry about my partner; he just a little bit emotional about Jennifer's murder.”

“Before you go anent Paterson, it might interested you to know that I recently stolen a file from the CIA.  It seems that the CIA are conducting a secret investigation into the possibility that an agent in the FBI has conspired to work for Martinez. Buried deep within the file I found the FBI agents first name, Taylor.”

Suspicion lurked in Dennis’s mind as he shook Andre’s hand and walked out of the DST office.