The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 78

“The doctor Brown was right,” Dennis uttered to himself.  “Two-day off would be a great solution to their tried and grumpy disposition as Doctor Brown searched the world for Martinez.”

Craig was still buzzed as he got behind the wheel of his bright red corvette. It was apparent that he was still plagued by bitterness over Katherine’s sudden loss.

“Hey man, she is going to be all right,” Dennis pleaded.

A spiteful look crept over Holloway's faces as he opened a flask of whiskey. Craig took a sip of whiskey from his flask, reeved the engine and drove his car out of the FBI Headquarters.

Dennis stopped playing mother hen to agent Holloway and drove to his home in the little suburb town of Harold harbor. Dennis’s waterfront condo was located on the banks of the Severn River just upstream for Annapolis, Maryland.

Divorced for the last three-year, Dennis’s life outside the office, was very desolate and lonely. Dennis was in love with only two things in this world and they're both named Isabella. The first love of his life was his fourteen years old child named Isabella Paterson. The second was his twenty-five foot schooner named after his daughter.

Dennis’s pride and joy was his little daughter Isabella. A bright, beautiful child with long blond hair and deep blue eyes like her mother. Isabella was the greatest child a father could ever have. Her bright cheerful smile and radiant disposition, always brought a smile to Dennis’s face.

The ex-wife was another story, selfish, inconsiderate and a thumping bore. Beth-Ann and Dennis were high school sweethearts. After three tours of duty as a captain in Special Forces, Dennis came home and married Beth- Ann. Despite their rocky marriage Beth-Ann was suddenly pregnant. Dennis stayed another five years in the marriage just for his daughter’s sake.

The answering machine was full of messages as Dennis’s weary body collapsed on his couch.  Most messages were credit report crap or the “we need your donation” calls, but the last call was godsend. “Hi daddy are you there, I was hoping we could meet for lunch today call me.” Isabella’s sweet voice brought a delightful smile to Dennis's face.

Dennis was jubilant when he heard his daughter’s phone call. Though Dennis was apprehensive about seeing his ex-wife again, but his heart jumped for joy at the prospect of seeing his daughter. Frantically Dennis rushed to the bathroom for a quick shower and shave. The delightful smile of a fourteen year old child completely obliterates all the hate, fear, pain and sorrow that has besieged Dennis for the last eight days.

Despite the scornful look from his ex, lunch with Isabella was a wonderful surprise. The next two days Dennis was enthralled by his daughter’s extend stay at his house. The once miserable FBI agent was now joyful, giddy and animated.

Craig’s spent the next few days in a cheap motel. The Disgruntled FBI agent wallowed in remorse, resentment and heartbreak. Craig consumed shots of whiskey over and over till he passed out. The former marine’s hopeless alcoholic binging, which he kept secret from his fellow workers, was the only good thing in his life. With no wife or children, the agent was lonely and on the brink of a disaster. The only thing that keeps Craig from killing himself was the job. Killing was the only thing Craig was ever able to do well.