The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 77

Andre’Rouèche arranged for the FBI agents to fly back to Washington D.C. in his private jet.

Craig was in a scornful and depressed mood during the trip home. The two bottles of champagne and three shots of whiskey did little to counteract the agent’s irate temper. Every agent in the FBI has dealt with the death of a close friend. Some agent deal with the loss of a friend with drugs, some with sex and other agents gamble, but Craig’s preferred alcohol as a means of coping with death.

Dennis found refuge from Jennifer's death by taking a much needed restful nap. The queen size bed in director Andre’ Rouèche’s plane was the most comfortable bed Dennis ever slept on. The vibrating bed and slow classical music quickly relinquished Dennis’s tension.

As André’s private jet slowly descended into Dulles International airport, a sudden phone call rattled the irritated and sleepy agent Peterson. Dennis slowly answered the phone in a confused state.

“Dennis? This is Doctor Brown.” “Doctor Brown?” Dennis inquisitively replied still half asleep.

“Yes, I am returning your call. You requested tracking information on a terrorist know as Martinez.”

“Oh, great, what did you find?” Dennis inquired as he sat on the edge of the King size bed.

“I am sorry; sir, but we haven’t found Martinez or Dubinsky yet. We will continue our search. I may have something by tomorrow. However I was able to identify the two men that had 12:15 appointment with senator Anderson. Their names where Todd Beacon and John Clack Kelly. Both men were former soldiers in the eighty-six airborne platoon alongside Senator Jefferson Anderson. All three men are in the old photograph you recovered from Kevin Spencer’s boat. The other soldiers in the picture we have not yet identified.”

“Keep working on it Doctor; I think Martinez is somehow connected to the eighty- six airborne platoon. Martinez murdering spree is not over yet. Since Martinez failed to kill Senator Anderson in D.C., I think that he will try to kill the senator again very soon.”

“May I suggest you and agent Holloway take a day or two off to recuperate while we conduct our search for Martinez and identify the soldiers in the old photograph?”

“Yeah, that sounds great. Please keep me informed doctor.”

Yes, sir.”

“Doctor I got another name for you to identified.” Dennis paused for a moment as pondered if he could really trust Eric Brown.

“Yes, agent Paterson was there another person you would like us to track?”

“No on second thought maybe later. Doctor call me when you found Martinez.”