The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 84

FBI agent Carl Harper rushed John Kelly back to his hotel room in Ottawa Canada. Carl poured two glass of whiskey and took a seat on the white satin covered couch. Ghost of all the friends that died in Kelly’s arms, swirled in his head as he poured himself a tall glass of whiskey and joined Carl on the coach. Kelly was besieged with anguish and sorrow as he wallowed over the brutal assassination of his friend Robert Freeman.

“Go get some sleep Kelly and for god’s sake lay low. I’ll pick you up here in two days, then I will smuggled you back to Washington D.C. After the assassination of your friend at the pub, the Canada boarder guards are going to be on high alert. We have to wait forty-eight hours before we even attempt to smuggle you out of the country.”

The ghost of his recently departed friends haunted Kelly as he laid sleepless in his hotel room in Ottawa. John anguish over Robert’ s brutally murder by the mysterious women assassin. As he reflected on the assassin’s once beautiful face, John was relieved that Todd’s murder was finally vindicated. The reclusive five star hotel did little to diminish John’s anger and regret that still possessed his soul. Despite drinking a whole bottle of whiskey, the bloody scene of his friend’s murder still tormented his troubled mind. As whiskey swirled in his head, John contemplated who hired the women assassin to kill his friends Todd Beacon and Robert Freeman. As he climbed into bed, the former soldier deliberated if the director of the FBI, Dexter Framingham or his old friend senator Anderson, hired the women assassin to kill his friends.  Just before he passed out, Kelly pledged to avenge his friend’s murder.