The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 85

The Grand Central station was infiltrated with plethora of naïve tourist staring at the ceiling while commuters rush for their trains. Mr. Kandinsky and I arrived a few minutes before our train departed and grabbed a cocktail at the Cipriani bar.

Alex Gross provided five undercover cops to protect Albert and I from Mr Dobb’s wrath as we sipped our martinis. The bar was ideally located high above the commotion of the Grand Central station. Albert and I laughed as we watch hundreds of office workers hustle about like angry bees for their trains home.

I gazed down at the large clock in the middle of the chaos and soon realized that there was only minutes till our departure to New Mexico. Desperately I searched for Mr Gross, amongst the huddled masses of the train station. Mr. Alex Gross was a pervert that likes little boy from El Salvador. I ship him a boy every two or three months for his perverse pleasure. Despite his fetish, I am still confident that the commissioner will be more than capable of helping my spy in the FBI kill Mr. James Dobbs.

I finally see commissioner Alex Gross standing on the floor of the Grande central station. The commissioner’s hand picked police officers were dressed in riot gear and armed with high caliber automatic weapons. Hastily the commissioner and the police swarm amongst the tourist looking for Mr Dobbs.

Even though I didn’t see my spy with the FBI yet, I was confident that Taylor would be victorious.  It was now 3:15; according to the big clock. Albert and I had only had fifteen minutes till our train departed.

“We got to go,” Mr. Kandinsky insisted. “Mr Dobbs is obviously not going to attempt to assassinate you among all these people.”

“Wait a minute,” I insist.  Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Mr. Dobbs. He was a tall, middle-age man with blue eyes. He stood amongst the chaos on the main floor of the Grand Central station and desperately surveyed the crowded train station for my scotched face. Sweat trickled from his brow as he cast his blue eyes amounts the tourist.

Unpronounced to James, my spy with the FBI already had him in his sights.

My pulse quickened, my hands start to sweat and my eyes flair in excitement as the mayhem began. “This is going to be good. Mr. Dobbs is not going to know what hit him,” I whisper to myself.