The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 86

Mr. Dobbs slowly made his way through the congested floor of the train station towards the 3:30 train to New Mexico.

Mr. Dobbs brought along a friend from the FBI that specialized in surveillance. Using security cameras and live feeds from Grand Central station, the FBI agent searched the station for his target.

“I know that my target is wheelchair bond man with a scared face and that he has not yet boarded the train,” Mr. Dobbs uttered to his friend through a two way radio.

The FBI agent surveyed the Grand Central’s main floor and said. “I can’t locate your target yet, but I just recognized an agent from the FBI.”

“An FBI agent?” Mr. Dobbs insisted “That's weird for a moment I though I saw an FBI agent in the crowd named Taylor...” Trepidation leapt into the agent’s soul as he abruptly screamed, “Shit, It's a trap to get out of there now James.”

A thunderous roar echoed throughout the arch ceilings of Grand Central station as a grenade erupted. Blinding thick smoked bellowed into the vast room as horrified tourist frantically ran for their lives.

I watched tantalized as dark smoke from the grenade slowly dissipated. Taylor stealthily descended upon his unsuspected target. A joyful smile crossed my face as Taylor slowly pulled out a Mac-10 riffle and pointed it at Mr Dobbs’s head. The gun suddenly erupted hurdling a bullet through James Dobb’s heart. His face contoured in pain as his lifeless body crumbled to the floor. Taylor quickly disappeared into the chaos as Alex Gross and his squad of police officers swarmed the station. Bereaved and horrified tourist quickly surrounded Mr Dobbs’s bloody body as Mr. Kandinsky and I discreetly boarded our train to Carlsbad New Mexico.