The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 95

The stench of booze still lingered on Craig’s breath as reunited with his partner Dennis Paterson at the FBI headquarters in Washington D.C. Anxiety swirled in the agent’s minds as they approached Doctor Eric Brown’s office. The agent’s apprehensively opened the door and saw Doctor Brown playing spin the bottle with several other computer geeks.

Despite Dennis’s laughter, Craig was obviously not pleased by Jenny’s childish antics. Rage resinated in Craig’s tone as he screamed “Doctor Brown can we have your full attention.”

The party quick disbanded as Dr. Brown quickly returned to his computer and uttered, “How may I help you agent Craig Holloway?”

It is obvious from the grimiest look on Craig’s face that he was not amused. “Do you have new information on the whereabouts of Martinez?”

“No, I am sorry agent Holloway, but we have identified some of the soldiers in the old photograph that you found in the Kevin Spencer's boat. All the men in the picture were soldiers in eighty-six Airborne platoon during the D-day invasion in France. The guy in the middle of the picture is Senator Jefferson Anderson; he was the platoon’s leader. The other soldier’s are Captain John Clack Kelly, Lieutenant Todd Beacon, Corporal Kevin Spenser aka Robert Banner, Private Robert Freeman aka Thomas Pain, Private Sam Tucker and Private Donald walker.  Our theory is that one of the soldiers in this photograph is the terrorist named Martinez,” Doctor Brown stipulated.

“I found Martinez,” Miss Jenny Johnson screamed across the computer laboratory. He depart a train from New Mexico at the Amtrak train station in Washington D.C.yesterday at 2 a.m.”

“Martinez is probably back in murder senator Anderson. We must call the senator and tell him his life is still in danger.”

“Capital Security station; Captain Hayden


“This Is FBI agent Dennis Peterson, I am looking for Senator Jefferson Anderson.”

“Hello agent Peterson, I am sorry, but he is not available right now.”

“This in an FBI investigation; we need to see him right now.”

“Yes, sir agent Paterson, but I am sorry to tell you that the senator is missing. Senator Anderson slipped his secret service protection. detail and headed toward Georgetown in a taxi.

“Tell the secret service to put up a ten block radius around Georgetown. I will send in the FBI’s sniper unit.”

“I don’t think that will be necessary, sir, he is probably just meeting up with a hooker.”

“License to me carefully, A terrorist named Martinez is planning to assassinate the Senator tonight.”

Captain Hayden deeply resented the agent’s strong arm actions, but he soon realized that the agent was probably correct. “Yes, sir,” Captain Hayden grumbled and hanged up the phone.