The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 96

Kelly frantically paced his hotel room in Ottawa as he planned to revenge his friend’s murder. As Kelly consumed his thirds glass of vodka, the former airborne soldier convinced himself that the person responsible for the murder of his friends was senator Jeff Anderson. It was late afternoon by the time Kelly finished his last bottle of vodka. As the sunset in the west, Kelly finally ran out of alcohol and walked to a near package store a brought a bottle of bourbon and bottle of gin. John finished off the bottle of bourbon by early evening. It was almost midnight by the time Kelly finished the last drop of gin and passed out on his bed.

The next morning FBI agent Carl Harper woke up Kelly, got him dressed and dragged him to a secret FBI darkroom in Ottawa, Canada. Still hangover, John Kelly glared at Dexter as he appeared on a video monitor within the FBI black room. Alcohol swirled in Kelly’s mind as he watched the director of the FBI berate agent Harper. “How could this happen, Freedman was under your surveillance for the last three months. How was it possible that an assassin was able to kill Robert right under your nose? Couldn’t you stop the assassin before she killed our only witness again Senator Jeff Anderson?”

“There was nothing we could do; she got spooked when she recognized Kelly.”

“That bitch killed my friends,” Kelly screamed.

“Do we have any leads as to the assassin’s real name or who hired her to kill Todd Beacon and Robert Freemen?” Dexter inquired.

“My sources with the Canadian government, said that the assassin’s fingerprints were linked to an assassin named Cindy Woodworth. She was a former assassin for an Irish mob boss in Boston. She has been a freelance assassin for the last few years,” Carl said.

“Have you learn who hired her to kill Robert Freeman?” Dexter said.

“I know,” Kelly said in drunken slurry voice.

“Who do you think she worked for Kelly?” Dexter inquired.

“Senator Anderson hired that bitch.”

“That may be so Kelly, but we need proof. Do you have any proof that will implicate the senator in your friend’s murder?”Dexter inquired.

“He did it; I know he did. He is a politician and that is all the proof I need.”

“My sources tell me that senator Anderson is involved in a secret affair with his chief of staff Penelope Baggins. It may be prudent for the FBI to retain Mrs Baggins. She may have some proof that the senator hired Cindy Woodworth to assassinate  Robert Freeman,” Carl said.

“That a very wise suggestions agent Harper. I will arrange for one of my agents to capture Mrs Penelope Baggins and bring her to my secret blackout room in D.C. My private airplane will arrive in Ottawa in three hours. Carl, I want you to bring Kelly back to Washington D.C,” Dexter said.