Twice in a Blue Moon by Wilf Voss - HTML preview

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Chapter 13


Adam ran across the car park as fast as he could until he was level with the car. Grabbing the driver's door handle he yanked the door open. The officer gasped as Adam took the steering wheel and forced the car to veer onto a flowerbed at the side of the road.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Don't you dare try and take my sister! I'll rip you apart!" Adam tried to hit the police officer, but the other police officer grabbed him and wrestled him to the ground. Forcing his arms behind his back, they roughly handcuffed him.

"Get him in the back!"


"Tell me that again. . ." The detective frowned. Amanda went back over the story. She had been in the interview room for a number of hours, but she really couldn't tell how long she had actually been there. The door opened, Amanda didn't look up until she heard the familiar voice of Simon Lucas. He smiled briefly at her and then took the other detectives out of the room. Amanda laid her head on the table.

"This really doesn't seem fair." Amanda looked up and saw a young WPC step out of the shadows. "I mean after all you and your brother have been through."

"How is Adam? Do you know?" Amanda realised that she must be slightly younger than herself. Just think, if she had become a police officer, none of this would have happened. And she could have had a good pension. Amanda sighed.

"I'm sorry. . . I might be able to find out later when they come back. I can't leave you alone."

"I understand." The door opened again. The two officers stepped back inside.

"We have been told about your situation, and we know that this is difficult for you, we are sorry but you have to understand. In essence the ten million pounds which you took had been raised by a money laundering process, and you were an accessory."

"But I don't have the money. . . You know that. I've told you it all before."

"We understand that, but we still have to prosecute you." The officer frowned. "If there was anything else we could do. . ."

"What happens now?" Amanda blinked away her tears.

"I'm afraid you will have to go to court. We will allow bail."

"What does as yet mean?"

"It means that, although you will not be kept in prison until your trial, you may still be looking at a few years' imprisonment."

"Can I go now?"

"You will be contacted with a court date as soon as possible."

"I want to see Adam. . ."

"Of course. He can leave with you. In the circumstances, we will not be pressing charges."

"Thank you. . ." Amanda stood up. She was led down to the cells, she saw Adam's name chalked on a small blackboard outside one of the cells. When the door opened, she saw him sitting glumly on the end of a plastic bed. "Adam. . ." He looked up.

"I can't take this anymore. . ." Adam looked back at the floor. Amanda sat down beside him. "I thought that they were going to kill you."

"I know. . ." Amanda took his hand. "Shall we go home?"


Kate ran towards Adam when he stepped out of Amanda's car. She hugged him warmly.

"Please Kate. . ." Adam smiled briefly. "I'm a bit delicate at the moment."

"I was worried. . . What happened?" Kate took his hand.

"I'll tell you later."
