Twice in a Blue Moon by Wilf Voss - HTML preview

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Chapter 14


"All rise." Amanda stood in the dock; three months had passed waiting for the trial. She just wanted this to be behind her now.

"I have now had time to consider this case." The judge wheezed. "I have looked at the whole situation. I must point out that you Miss Bishop, handled stolen money and used it for your own gains. I understand that you were young and maybe you didn't realise the full implications of what you were doing. However you did break the law and you must be punished for this." Amanda wavered; she grabbed hold of the edge of the dock to steady herself. ". . . I understand that you went through great difficulties, and indeed you and your brother were almost killed in the process of Mr Simpson's organisations 'revenge'. I have to take this into account and the fact that you run a thriving business that is of use to the local community. . ."

Kate gripped Adam's hand tighter as they looked down from the public gallery. They had been told that Amanda could be sent to prison for at least five years, she could never survive like that. She was used to working in the open air, riding out on the moor, living in her own cottage, having her own life.

"So I therefore have decided to sentence you . . .-"

Amanda knew that she deserved everything that she got. She had resigned herself to that fact for many years now. If she had never run away from the home she would have never had this happen to her, if she hadn't taken the money that had been put in her bank account. It was all her fault, she had complete control over her own destiny, now as she stood in front of the judge she deserved five years, maybe even ten.

“- . . . To sixty hours community service. I have decided not to have you imprisoned, as I believe that. . ." Amanda didn't listen to the rest of the judge's speech. She almost laughed aloud with relief. She turned and looked up to Adam and Kate's smiling faces in the public gallery. Perhaps this was a turning point. Amanda paused. This was a turning point. She convinced herself that from now on things would be for the better. "And because of the successful conviction of Mr Simpson there is a substantial reward which will be payable to yourself, your brother and Miss Grimshaw." Amanda snapped back to reality. A reward? See, things were getting better already. She smiled to herself and walked slowly out of the dock. As she stepped out of the courtroom, she was met by Adam who hugged her.

"Well done!" Amanda looked up and saw Simon watching her from a distance.

"Excuse me Adam." She freed herself and walked over to Simon. "Thank you."

"You deserved the judgement you got." He smiled. "I have a gentleman with me who would like to talk to you."

"Oh yes?"

"I think he may have an interesting proposition for you." Simon led Amanda to a small room. She waved to Adam and Kate before he shut the door.


"How long is she going to be?" Kate paced up and down the corridor.

"I don't know? I don't think this was a planned meeting!" Adam chuckled. The door opened and Amanda stepped out, smiling warmly. "All right! You look like the cat that got the cream."

"Something like that."

"What was that all about?" Kate stepped towards her smiling.

"You'll find out soon enough. Now I don't think that we ever got you that suit did we?"

"Not as yet. . ." Adam gripped Kate's hand.

"Well while we are in town. I'm sure Kate can find some shopping to do." Amanda chuckled.

"I have a few more things to sort out." Kate kissed Adam and walked off down the corridor.

"What did they say to you to make you so happy?" Adam stared at his sister. "It can't be the reward money; I know you never really cared about that."

"You're right Adam. . . It's not the money." Amanda paused. "Come on, we have to get you a morning suit."

"Okay. . ."


"Oh that is very you sir!" The salesperson brushed down the lapels.

"I don't know?" Adam looked down at the grey pinstripe.

"Oh Adam its great!" Amanda smiled warmly.

"And the top-hat sir." The salesperson brought the grey top hat out of its box and placed it lightly on Adam's head.

"I'll think we'll take it." Amanda took out her chequebook.

"Amanda. . . Can't we just hire it?" Adam frowned.

"No Adam you should have your own suit. Anyway I can afford it now. . ."

"A very wise choice sir." The salesperson took the jacket and put it in its suit bag.

Adam walked out of the shop with a suit and top hat in a set of carrier bags. They saw Kate walking towards them.


"Did you find what you wanted?"

"Yes! Are you going to organise the rest?"

"Yes. . . I'll do it over the next few days. . ." Amanda nodded.

"Great!" Kate hugged Adam. "I think everything is going to be fine!"

"But when is it all going to happen?"

"The local vicar isn't that busy, and there aren't all that many relatives who need to be invited. . ." Kate tapped the points off on her fingers.

"So when is it going to happen?"

"I hope you don't have anything planned for Saturday morning. . ." Kate looked at Adam. "You've gone very pale. . ."

"You two don't half hurry with these things. . ." Adam shook his head.

"I had to have something to take my mind off my trial. . . I hoped that you could have your wedding before I was sent to prison, but now." Amanda paused. "Now that really isn't necessary."

"Anyway, we don't want to give you time to change your mind. . ." Kate laughed. Adam kissed her warmly.

"Don't worry there's no chance of that!"


The staff gathered round Adam and Kate as they stepped back on the yard. They bombarded them with questions.

"Please, please. . . We've all had a long day." Adam smiled. "We'll tell you everything later." Amanda stepped out of the car. The staff swarmed round her. She smiled and ignored them before going into the office.

"Well at least something is back to normal!" Kate laughed. "Adam. . . I'm not going to be staying in the flat tonight." Adam frowned. "We're getting married in a couple of days; I have a lot to do. Anyway it’s unlucky to see me in my wedding dress before the big day."

"Where are you going?"

"Amanda is going to put me up for a few days." Kate paused. "I hope you understand. . ."
