Twice in a Blue Moon by Wilf Voss - HTML preview

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Adam woke and rubbed his eyes. He looked round the room he had slept in for many years. Frowning he got up and quickly dressed. Perhaps the wedding had all been a dream. He smiled as Kate sighed and rolled over beside him. Quickly dressing he left the room and went down onto the yard. He looked across and saw Amanda leaning against one of the stable doors wearing a pink silk dress.

"Hello!" Amanda turned round and smiled. Her eyes and cheeks were red from crying. "What's up?"

"I really don't want to leave this place."

"You don't have to leave you know. Turn the job down..."

"No Adam... I have to do this. I have to make the change..." Adam kissed her on the cheek.

"What's this?" Kate laughed. "I'll have to keep an eye on you! We've only just got married and you are kissing another woman!" She kissed him warmly.

"I have to go." Amanda started walking away.

"Wait..." Adam turned towards her.

"I'll look after the yard for the last two weeks. Then you can move into the cottage." Amanda smiled. "Oh I have something for you Kate." Amanda held her hand out and gave Kate a small package. Kate watched as Amanda walked away down the yard.

"What's this?" Kate tore open the small parcel and took out a small wooden chess piece. She showed it to Adam.

"That is the chess piece I was found with when we were left at the hospital. Amanda was only a few years old and I was too young to remember much about our parents."

"Oh?" Kate raised her eyebrows.

"What piece is it then?" Adam started walking down the yard.

"It's a bishop..." She paused. "Is that why..."

"Come on Mrs Bishop... We have to pack."

"Okay Adam..." They hugged each other and walked back to the flat.


Amanda watched as the taxi took Adam and Kate away. She smiled as they waved to her in the office. This was the beginning of a new stage in her life; she took down the small wooden sign from the notice board.

The Redbridge Riding School

Proprietor - Miss Amanda King

...And placed it in the wastepaper basket. It was time for a change. New faces, especially a certain detective, well it was a large cottage, and it seemed so wasteful to have it all to herself.

The sun shone on another Sunday morning... A very different Sunday morning.
