Twice in a Blue Moon by Wilf Voss - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


Adam grimaced. His stag night had been the evening before, only a simple affair, just a few drinks with Amanda and some of the staff. Now it was Saturday morning and he was due to get married in a few hours’ time. He grabbed his clock and stared at the figures.

"Oh no!" It was eight o'clock already; he had to get to the church by eleven. There was so much to do.


"Your hair looks great." Amanda walked into the bedroom and put the mug down on the dressing table.

"I'm nervous. . ." Kate sipped the steaming coffee.

"I bet you are!" Amanda smiled. "You're getting married in a few hours time. I would certainly be nervous if I was in your shoes!"

"Am I doing the right thing?" Kate turned round and looked directly at Amanda.

"I don't think you could do anything better!" Amanda hugged her. "You're very lucky. . . I hope I can find someone like him when I get married."

"Thank you Amanda!"


Adam put his jacket on and stepped out of his room. No staff bustling around, only a note pinned to a pair of riding boots standing outside his room. He picked up the note and read it.

To get you to the church on time, your transport will be leaving at 10.30am. . .

Meet it downstairs.

It wasn't signed but he recognised Amanda's flowing script. He picked up the top hat and walked down onto the yard. Outside Caroline stood waiting wearing a beautiful pink silk bridesmaid's dress.

"Caroline!" Adam hugged her. "I didn't know that you were out of hospital?"

"Amanda collected me early this morning; I wouldn't miss this for the world!" She smiled. "I have to show you to the transport."

"Thank you. . . I thought that I would have to walk to the church." Adam gasped as he saw the two sparkling grey's, groomed to perfection with pink ribbons plaited into their manes and tails. They were pulling a delicate carriage that too had been dressed with pink ribbons. "I'm amazed."

"Shall we go?" Caroline smiled and held her arm out towards the carriage.


The entire village and all the customers of the riding school were assembled outside the church as Adam and Caroline drew up outside. He stepped down and held his hand out for Caroline.

"I'll see you later; I have some other duties today." She kissed him briefly on the cheek. "Good luck."

Adam walked into the church and down the aisle. Amanda was standing near the altar.

"Hello. . . I thought that you would be looking after Kate?"

"I've left Caroline to that task. I'm going to give you away remember. . . If you pardon the phrase. Anyway her mother is with her now." Amanda wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry. . ." Adam looked away briefly and saw people filling the pews.

"Have you got the ring?" Adam smiled.

"Yes. . . You chose a nice one. . ."

"I had some money to use, Kate deserves the best."

"You'll go far Adam. . ."

There was a sound of movement in the church. The organ started playing the wedding march. Adam gasped as he caught sight of Kate in an immaculate white wedding dress, she was being escorted by her parents and Caroline was holding the train. The rest of the stable staff were there. Adam sighed; he couldn't believe that this was happening. Kate stepped beside him.


"You may kiss the bride." Kate lifted her veil, Adam kissed her warmly. The congregation applauded. Adam took Kate's hand and they walked back down the aisle. When they stepped back out into the brilliant sunshine, the staff were in a line facing each other forming a guard of honour with their riding crops held high in the air. The photographer set up his camera on a tripod.

"Now can we have the bride and groom together, and all the brides' maids'." The photographer smiled. "Lovely now, can we have the bride's family, that's right. Just behind them. . . Great." Amanda smiled as she stood beside Adam and Kate. "I suppose this makes me your sister in-law." She laughed, the camera clicked.


After copious numbers of photographs the wedding group returned in the carriage with many others walking behind, they turned into the driveway of the riding school. Amanda smiled.

"Now for the reception. . ." She helped Kate down from the carriage. Kate gasped at the tables that had been set up on the yard, each laid with brilliant white linen and sliver cutlery.

"Did you organise all of this?"

"Nothing but the best for my little brother! Take a seat." She pointed to the top table.

"I'm very impressed." Adam hugged Kate.


The caterers took away the last of the plates as Adam stood up and started his speech.

"I would like to thank everyone who is here today, not only the villagers and the customers of the riding school. But especially to the staff and their parents, Kate's parents and of course my dear sister, Amanda. I know I speak for both Kate and myself when I say that this has been one of the best days of my life. I wish I could say that we will be going off to honeymoon in sunny climes. But I imagine that tomorrow we will be still working on the yard and still sleeping in the stables flat."

“- . . . I’m afraid that, that isn't quite true." Amanda stood up. "Things will be changing when you come back from your honeymoon." She handed Kate an envelope, she ripped it open and looked at the tickets.

"Oh thank you Amanda, you shouldn't have. . ." Kate smiled and hugged her.

"But that isn't all. As I said, things will be different when you come back. I have run the Redbridge Riding School for a number of years now, maybe too many years. . .." Amanda sighed. "I was beginning to think that this was not the job for me anymore. Therefore, when I was approached after my trial by the chief instructor of the mounted division of the Dorset police, I was rather receptive. I have been offered the position of training instructor, and I am very glad to say that I have accepted. The position includes a cottage within the grounds of the training establishment. There is also a Riding for the Disabled centre on site also, which will allow me to carry out my community service at the same time. This does mean however that I cannot run the riding school as well as working full time at the training establishment, so I'm afraid I will be handing over the running of the riding school. . ..-"

"What?" Adam stood up. Kate took his hand.

"Adam. . . Please let me finish. . . Where was I? Oh, yes. . . I will be handing over the running of the riding school to my brother and his wife." Adam sat down. "The ownership of the stables includes the cottage, so by the time you return; you will have a proper place to live. I do hope this is okay?"

"What can I say?" Adam smiled.

"I thing yes would be a good idea." Amanda laughed.

"Oh yes! What do you think Kate?"

"Oh Amanda! Are you sure?"

"Of course. . . I think I'll be safer working for the police. Anyway, I will be working with Simon."

"Oh yes?"

"Don't be like that!" Amanda laughed. "He's transferring from CID to work in the administration for the training centre."

"Thank you Amanda." Adam hugged her as she sat down. "I owe you for this. . ."

"No you don't!"


The party continued well into the night.

