Unpublished (A Secret Spyder Verse) by Bob Miller - HTML preview

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It’s extremely frightening to imagine. Somebody with great powers using those powers to help you get better only to later discover it only would lead into opening a can of worms on the entire corrupt little town known as Lancaster. Crooked judges, dishonest lawyers, cops, and yes did I even mention gym teachers?

I really hoped that Debra knew what she was doing because I would think she would have enough wits to know that if she dug too deep this peek-a-boo little town would bestow the same wrongful medicine they have been bestowing upon me for years.

There’s an old saying I would think Debra would be smart enough 62

A Secret Spyder Verse growing up to remember.

Curiosity killed the cat.

As I walked back from the recess into the courtroom I noticed that the only empty seating space available was with the “left wing”

crowd. The “left wing” crowd was seated on the opposite side of the defendant,my sister-in-law of course. It appeared my sister-in-law had quite a cesspool of salty support on her side of the courtroom. Finicky soccer moms, owners of internet social networks, and yes, daughters of tycoons that owned Country clubs. I knew deep inside that most likely this “salty” crowd wanted me dead anyways. Their cellphones would chirp when Big Bad Bob would come around and they would race over to crank those thermostats up. I knew of this salty crowd all too well.

It was the middle isle that separated the “Left wings” from “Team salty”. The left wing crowd were basically the crowd curious about the attempted murder case in general. I knew deep down inside that “Both” crowds weren’t technically my friends but it was comforting to know that I wasn’t receiving death stares from the lefts. The lefts were a lot more diversified. Some probably had eligibility issues just trying to get inside the courtroom to begin with. Some were dressed like the Jerry Springer show had been cancelled and this was the next cheap entertainment for the day.


A Secret Spyder Verse But what all the lefts had in common? They were utmost curious about getting to the cold hard truth. The same cold hard truth that was fueling Debra to keep pushing her weight around until she got satisfactory answers. I had already surmised that Spidey Girl was encouraging her to finish her work. I should have known with a small town like Lancaster that the odds were good they might know each other on a personal level. I guess I had momentarily forgotten that doctors and lawyers are in the same league and wine and dine with each other all the time.

I took the only seating left available. I tried not to bang against the seats too hard as I sat in the row behind Debra and Spidey Girl.

Because we were in a courtroom I made sure not to lean over and whisper anything to them as that would make the audience suspicious. When they would ask me to testify again I would answer honestly but try to offer them any additional information as I really didn’t know where all this was going. I was still flummoxed that this was my brother’s wedding anniversary date and he wasn’t even in the courtroom. It also was weird that neither was any of my parents in the courtroom nor was my brother’s boss, a boss that may be the ringleader of an entire different subject that also led to a death made to be looked like an accident. A death of a Louisiana woman 64

A Secret Spyder Verse FAR more important than me. If Debra dug that far D.C would have no choice but to feign another Corona virus outbreak just to keep that investigation at Bay. Gambling rings are extremely dangerous, especially when they lead to the deaths of reporters. I had a history of being a gambler since the age of 32. I had no choice but to succumb to the addiction as that was the bait they were throwing at me. Only an elite group of people knew that I was in fact that one individual worthy of a doctor’s note to gamble.

It was a deep dark secret only understood by a few.

It was my sister-in-law’s turn to take the stand and give her side of the story. I liked being able to sit amongst the crowd and observe body language. I felt as though being away from the spotlight finally gave me the ability to scratch my nose. Having been a member of an acting agency in Pontiac Michigan I would know that scratching a nose on a witness stand could easily be misconstrued as guilt. Only someone like Spencer could get away with it because the jury would just assume a long strand of hair had freed itself and was tickiling his nose. I remained seated behind Debra as now it was time for my sister-in-law’s attorney to present his case. It was time for the best criminal defense lawyer in the nation to live up to his expectations. It was time for the man I often referred to as “the man with a voice”.


A Secret Spyder Verse So there it was. My cellphone. I wondered just how many hands it had passed through before it landed into the hands of Spencer.

Well, Spencer knew that with the way I had a history of construing law, my cellphone he displayed to the courthouse technically wasn’t in his hands. The plastic baggy labeled “Police Evidence” in bold red lettering under what I commonly referred to as “the letter of the law” was in his hands. Not my cellphone.

I didn’t like the way Spencer was walking around a big circle making sure virtually every single person in the entire courts good get a cold hard look at it. I felt a jolt shoot down my spine as he insisted on accosting me to be the first to scrutinize it up close.

“Mr. Stettler…is this your cellphone?”

No hesitation on my end. “Yes”

“And how many people would you say often see your cellphone?”

“Not many”.


A Secret Spyder Verse

"Do you keep it locked?


“And why not?”

“Because I’m a trucker. A lazy one I suppose. It’s too much of a hassle entering a stupid code each time to unlock it.”

“Okay. Understandable.”

Spencer then stuffed it under the nose of my chiropractor. Spidey Girl.

“What about you doctor? Do you recognize this as Mr.Stettler’s phone?”

Spidey Girl insisted on grabbing it out of his hands, flipping it around a few times, and scrutinizing it very very close.


A Secret Spyder Verse

“I do believe this is the very one I held onto just yesterday.”

Spencer wanted a direct answer. “Just yes or no please?”

“Yes” said my chiropractor.

Spencer then accosted my sister-in-law with the cellphone still in the clear plastic police baggy.

“And how bout you Mrs.Stettler? Do you recognize this phone?”

I noticed that she didn’t in any way shape or form appear to look threatened by my phone. This of course would bode many points in her favor. She even smiled as she replied.

“Yes, that’s uncle B’s phone!”

“Who’s uncle b?”

“My brother-in-law. Since his 2009 Federal release he always 68

A Secret Spyder Verse insisted that we call him uncle b.”

“Is that because he had intentions of changing his name to “Bob”. A very common name which would make it easier for him to hide?”

This time Debra sprung from her chair. “Objection your honor!

Where is this going?”

The judge gave Spencer a look of confusion as if possibly agreeing with Debra’s outburst. Spencer caught on quickly and passed it off with a grin. There were some ensuing grins from the right wing crowd boys in blue seated in the back. It wasn’t just salty women that were rooting for my sister-in-law to finish her work. I had just recently applied for social security and was just getting ready to drain the tax payers pockets. With nothing more to look forward to in life other than the 3rd of each month when that golden goose would drop her mighty big goose egg. I had given it much thought.

Why should Andrew Luck be the only one setting records for early retirement?

Spencer continued. “And could you please point him out in the courtroom?”


A Secret Spyder Verse I knew that this was the first mistake Spencer was making as now the courtroom would expect us to make eye contact as she pointed me out.

Our eyes just locked. Each of our eyes were telling a different story and those stories were very much different. Since her alleged attempt to murder me I have been unable to make any eye contact with my sister-in-law whatsoever. I still attended family gatherings but I knew too much of her unruly sins to look at her like she was still family. It didn’t stop with the attempted murder.

Over the years I had put the pieces together concerning some very serious issues that didn’t concern me. It’s clearly mentioned in the Bible that Satan was in fact once an angel named “Lucifer”. An angel that struggled listening to God and purposely fell away from heaven.

She finally stumbled a little as if the staring was causing her to choke up. She pointed her Medusa index finger at me.

“Yes. That’s him sitting over there.”

Spencer quickly covered for her.


A Secret Spyder Verse

“Thank you no further more.”

Spencer soon found that he had the ability for only her to see his eyes so he gave her the official okay now shut up I got this look as he continued to present his argument.

“Okay ladies and gentlemen. It’s just been ascertained as you can plainly see here this is in fact Mr.Stettler’s phone.”

He ambled on over towards Spidey Girl, my chiropractor.

“Now doctor, did you not just recently state that you handled this phone yesterday?”

“I did.”

“And why was that doctor?”


A Secret Spyder Verse

“I was looking for a text message.”

“And why did you assume it would still be in his phone?”

“Because I had read in one of Mr.Stettler’s books that his threads go deep, very deep.”

“The text message you were looking for. Was it incoming or outgoing?”


“And from whom was it from?”

“Mr. Stettler’s sister.”

“Mr.Stettler’s sister-in-law?”

“No Mr. Stettler’s sister. Mr.Stettler has a biological older sister.”


A Secret Spyder Verse

“And why were you scrolling for this incoming text message?”

“When I pieced together my employee was making contact with Mr.Stettler’s family without his consent I suspended her for a week. The incoming text in his phone proved my employee was put under investigation by Mr. Stettler’s biological sister prior to him even setting foot in my office. My employee filed an unemployment claim for the missed week of work. I wanted to challenge it but after seeing the incoming text I left it go.”

Spencer crossed his arms and took everything in. “So that’s why Mr.Stettler suddenly started booking extremely impromptu appointments? He was worried your secretary was tipping off appointment times to his immediate family so they could poke around while he stepped out?”

The doctor nodded her head. “Exactly. My office is very professional. We have protocol rules we must follow. Privacy concerns for our patients is very important.”

Spencer pushed on. “So doctor, please tell us. Yesterday, when you scrolled through those text messages did you inadvertently stumble across anything….anything let’s say…like you might not 73

A Secret Spyder Verse have been looking for?”

“I did yes. I did and it was very alarming.”

“What did you find?”

“I saw a picture of a charred blackened receipt.”

“See anything else?”

“No. There wasn’t time. I knew scrutinizing my patient’s phone was getting under his skin so I returned the phone to him.”

Spencer held out the baggie for her to see.

“This one? This one here? How do you know this was in fact his phone?”

“Oh it’s definitely his. I have a photographic memory. Same model, same color. He even keeps black electric tape over the cameras 74

A Secret Spyder Verse lenses. Paranoid schizophrenia.”

Spencer took a few steps back with great delight. “You hear that ladies and gentlemen? Everyone here is confirming including Mr.Stettler himself that this is Mr.Stettler’s phone.”

Spencer proudly paraded around the courtroom showing off the cellphone.I knew just how this circus was about to unfold. My sister-in-law caught a quick glimpse of my leering smile for her too to know how this circus was about to unfold.

Spencer continued. “You see ladies and gentlemen. There’s just one itsy bitsy problem here. The burnt receipt, the text messages from his biological sister, NONE of that stuff……and we had the experts go through it….NONE of that stuff we hear of today…was ever in this phone.”

I tried not chuckle. I liked that Spencer opted not to do this with me in the witness stand as I probably wouldn’t hold up too well with everyone monitoring my thoughts. It was good to be part of the crowd for once and not have to be the one facing the crowd.


A Secret Spyder Verse I wanted so badly to watch Spidey Girl’s facial expression but couldn’t as I was seated right behind her. I knew she would be incredibly confused at this point. I tried to imagine her gaping at this point. She most likely was. The doctor couldn’t stop herself from a very long gape. I wished that her hands were working the knots out of the back of my neck but her hands were very busy at the moment. Her hands were holding up her cheek bones from hitting the floor.