When Champagne Has Been Imbibed by I May End Soon - HTML preview

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(At the hospital)

“Madam, we are here. What happened?” said Inspector John.

“It is my daughter. Something happened before I called you. I was here with her when she screamed all of a sudden.


“Leave me alone!!!” Belinda suddenly screamed from the bed.

(Belinda’s mom stood up to check on her daughter.)

“What is wrong, my daughter? What is the matter?” asked Belinda’s mother.

“Mummy, I stabbed him.” said Belinda.

“Stabbed him?” asked Belinda’s mother.

“Yes, I stabbed him on his left arm. I stabbed him with a piece of glass.” said Belinda.

“Who did you stab and why did you stab someone?” asked Belinda’s mother.

“I cannot remember who I stabbed. But I remember I was in struggle with someone and then I stabbed him with a piece of glass. I cannot remember why I fell into the struggle or what were we were struggling for but I remember I stabbed the person with. And I also remember the person is a man.” said Belinda.

“Really?” asked her mother.

“Yes, mummy.” said Belinda

(Flashback ends)

“Hmm. And she did not mention anyone in particular, identifying him as the one she stabbed?” asked Inspector John.

“No. She said she could not remember the person particularly but she could remember it was a man.” said Belinda’s mother.

(Turns to Inspector Ramsey) “That guy at the station, is there any mark of injury on his left arm? I don’t think I ever noticed such on him.” asked Inspector John.

“Me too. I don’t think he has a mark on his left arm. Does that mean that the guy is innocent?” said Inspector Ramsey.

“(Heaves a sigh) Let us not conclude yet. The investigation is still on.” said Inspector John.

Belinda was sitting on the bed while that conversation was going on. After that last statement of John, the nurse walked into the ward. When the nurse had gotten, she called out on someone from inside.

“You can come in.” said the nurse.

Then the door began to move and someone was moving into the ward. This figure appeared in the ward. And everyone in the ward looked at this figure who had gotten in. And all of a sudden….


Belinda screamed all of a sudden pointing to the figure who had walked in and afterwards, Belinda fainted. Everyone including the person who walked in rushed to check on Belinda.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” Inspector John asked the person who walked in.

“I am Edward. I was with Belinda and the other guys on the night she was attacked. I heard what had happened to her and I am here to check on her.” said Edward.

“And why did she scream when she saw you?” asked Inspector John.

“I don’t know.” replied Edward.

“Hey look! (Ramsey noticed on Edward). John look! Look at this guy’s arm.” said Inspector Ramsey.

John saw what Ramsey was talking about. There was a mark on Edward’s arm. Which arm? Right or left? LEFT! Edward had a mark on his left arm.

“Did you say you were with her and the other guys on the night she was attacked?” asked Inspector John.

“Yes, I was.” replied Edward.

Immediately John pulled out his gun and pointed it at Edward

“You are under arrest, young man. Ramsey, handcuff him now!” said Inspector John.

“Handcuff? What for? I am only here to check on Belinda.” said Inspector John.

“Young man, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say here may be used against you in a court of law. Handcuff him!” said Inspector John.

Edward was handcuffed and was taken away by the policemen.

(At the police station)

“Mr. Edward, why did you attack Belinda that night?” asked Inspector John.

“Attack? I was not the one who attacked Belinda.” said Edward.

“Were you with Belinda that night or not?” asked Inspector John.

“I was one of the guys with her.” replied Edward.

“How did you get this mark on your arm?” asked Inspector John.

“I had an accident at home and this mark was consequential to that. And what has that got to do Belinda’s case?” said Edward.

“Belinda claimed that she stabbed someone with whom she was in a struggle on his left arm. And here you are with a mark on your left arm and you also claimed that you were with her that night. Is there not a connection?” said Inspector John.

“Officer, this mark on my arm was consequential to an accident I had at home. I was not stabbed there by anyone.” said Edward.

“Then why did she scream when she saw you?” asked Inspector John.

“Okay! I will tell you what happened between us that night. It is true that I was one of the guys with Belinda that night. While we were drinking, I noticed that Donald her boyfriend went to tell her something and he left us. He was the first one of us to leave the bar that night. Afterwards, the other guys also left leaving me and Belinda behind. I was high that night and I noticed that Belinda was drunk. And I was aroused. I was feeling a strong urge that and I wanted like satisfying it. We had had champagne that night; every one of us. When I noticed that Belinda was drunk, I went to book a room in the hotel for me to stay with Belinda so I

could… I could….” said Edward.

“So you could what?” asked Inspector John.

“So I could sleep with her.” said Edward.

“So you could sleep with someone else’s girlfriend?” asked Inspector John.

“I was high and really aroused that night. It found it hard for me to hold myself. And Belinda was the only girl around.” said Edward.

“So that means when you got into the room and you wanted to sleep with her but she refused, you assaulted her right?” asked Inspector John.

“No. I did not assault her.” said Edward.

“Then what happened.” asked Inspector John.

“After we got into the room, and I was about to do the job, I suddenly heard a voice.” said Edward.


“I can see you guys are having a good time.” A voice said.

“And who are you and what are you doing here?” said Edward.

“You are very silly for asking me that question.” The voice replied.

“Would you get out of here man? Get out!” Edward said.

“Do you know who you are talking to?” the voice said.

“Who are you?” asked Edward.

“Who am I? Since you have asked, then let me show you who I am.” the voice said.

(Flashback ends)

“And later, I remember I became conscious and met myself on the floor. I was feeling pain in my head and I was feeling dizzy. My view was not clear. I stood up from where I was and I staggered. I could not balance on my feet. I looked round in the rooms and my view was blurry. On the floor beside where I was lying, I could notice a figure lying on the floor which I thought was Belinda’s body. But I could not see any stains of blood or any traces of attack on her. Maybe that was because my view was not clear. Someway, somehow, I found my way out of the room and while I was on a corridor in the hotel, one of the guys who were with us that night at the bar saw me and took me into the room he had booked. And that was where I was until the next day. I did not attack Belinda that night. Rather I was attacked myself.” said Edward.

“Can you recognize the face of the person who showed up when you were with Belinda in the room that night if you see the person?” asked Inspector John.

“No, I can’t” said Edward.

“Why? Was it not after the attack that your view became blurry?” asked Inspector John.

“Like I said earlier, I was high that night. And I can also remember that the person was wearing something over his head. That concealed his face to some extent and because of my state at that time, I could not make out how he looked that night.” said Edward.

(Inspector John signaled to Inspector Ramsey and Ramsey dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out a handkerchief. Wrapped in the handkerchief was a golden ring. You remember the ring?)

“What do you know about this ring? Have you seen this ring before?” asked Inspector John.

(Edward took the ring and examined it. Edward felt the ring and looked at it closely.) “I placed my hand on something. Yes, I remember I placed my hand on something. Something like this. While I was moving out of the room, I placed my hand on something like this because I was crawling on the floor as I was moving out. I did not have enough balance to walk on my feet and I crawled on the floor. I can remember placing my hand on something while I was crawling towards the door. But I cannot say for sure that this is it, but it was something like this. But as for me, I personally don’t own this ring. In fact, I don’t wear rings. So I am not the one who owns this.” said Edward.

“So you are now telling us you are not the one who attacked Belinda?” said Inspector John.

“Never! I never attacked her. Rather I was attacked myself.” said Edward.

(At the hospital)

Belinda was laying on her back on the bed and gazing at the ceiling. While she was like that, something was going on in her mind. Some memories were coming. She was visualizing something in her past.


“Belinda, is this not you? I have got you at a good time. What do you have now or what can you do now to defend yourself against me?” someone said.

“Henry, what is it? What have I done to you to deserve your threats? Why are you here now?” said Belinda.

“Really? So soon? Have you forgotten so soon what you did to me? You attacked me Belinda. You struck me hard. You made me bleed. You caused me pain. Have you forgotten?” Henry said.

“Henry, why don’t you leave me alone? Were you not the one who first grabbed me and was trying to rape me before I attacked you? I was defending myself from you, foolish pervert.” Belinda said.

SLAP!!! (Henry gives her a slap on her face) “How dare you talk to me like that? Don’t you have some fear in you for me? Are you not afraid of me?” said Henry.

“Henry, there is nothing to be afraid of about you. I don’t fear you. There is nothing you can do to me.” said Belinda.

“Oh I see. Belinda, I would have considered sparing you because of the relation between you and I. Because of what we have had together in the past. Because of what we still have between us now. But, look at you. You are not showing any remorse for what you did. You do not feel sorry before me Belinda. You just said you are not afraid of me. I hereby choose not to pity you my dear. I am going to take my revenge.” said Henry.

“There is nothing you can do Henry.” said Belinda.

“There is something I can do. I can cause you pain. I can make you cry. Belinda don’t try me.” said Henry.

“Henry, I repeat, you can do nothing.” said Belinda.

“I repeat, I can do something.” said Henry

“Then show me, Henry.” said Belinda.

“For real?” asked Henry.

“Yes, show me what you got, you weakling fool.” said Belinda

(Henry grabs Belinda by her shoulders) “Belinda, don’t try me. I am warning you. I can cause you pain.” said Henry.

“You can do nothing.” said Belinda.

“Argggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh” by Henry.

“Leave me alone! Leave me alone!! Henry, leave me alone!!!” said Belinda.

(Flashback ends)

Belinda’s mum was sitting by her bed when Belinda was having those thoughts. All of a sudden….

“Henry, leave me alone!!!” Belinda yelled.

Belinda sat up from her lying position as she yelled. Her mom got up from where she was sitting to check on her. One of the nurses in the hospital also rushed in as she had heard the voice.

“Belinda, what is wrong? What happened this time?” asked her mother.

“Henry! Henry! Henry! Henry! Henry!” said Belinda.

“Belinda, who is Henry?” asked her mother.

“Henry! Henry! Henry! Henry! Henry!” said Belinda.

“Belinda, please talk to me? Who is Henry? What about him?” said her mother.

“Henry! Henry! Henry! Henry! Henry!” said Belinda.

“Belinda, please. Please talk to me. Who is Henry?” (Belinda’s mother held and shook her daughter as she was going emotional. Who was Henry?)

“Madam, please take it easy. Please. Let go of her.” said the nurse.

Belinda’s mother started weeping and she fell back to the chair where she was sitting.

“Belinda, would you like to go back to sleep?” the nurse said to Belinda.

“Henry! Henry!” Belinda said.

“Calm down, Belinda. Calm down. Go to sleep, okay?” said the nurse.

Belinda was made to lie on her back on the bed as her mother wept on. The nurse moved closer to Belinda’s mum to console her. Belinda looked at her mom from the bed as tears rolled down her own eyes too. Belinda and her mum looked at each other, weeping. Afterwards, Belinda’s mother got her phone and dialed Inspector John’s number and called for his and Inspector’s Ramsey’s appearance at the hospital. They later arrived.

“What is the matter, madam? Any development?” asked Inspector John.

“It is Belinda again. She screamed and after she sat up, she was mentioning Henry.” said Belinda’s mother

“Henry? What did she say about Henry?” said Inspector John.

“Nothing else. She was just repeating the name Henry. That is all.” said Belinda’s mother.

Inspector John heaved a sigh.

“What is the name of that guy in our custody again?” Inspector John asked Ramsey.

“That is Edward. (To Belinda’s mother) Are you sure it was Henry that she mentioned?” said Inspector Ramsey.

“Yes, I am very sure. It was Henry.” said Belinda’s mother.

“Madam, I want to ask you. Is there anything in Belinda’s possession apart from her mobile that you think can help us in our investigation?” asked Inspector John.

Belinda’s mother thought for awhile then she said, “Her diary. Yes, Belinda has a diary.”

“Her own personal diary?” asked Inspector John.

“Yes, it is at home.” said Belinda’s mother.

“Madam, can you help us with that diary? I want to see that diary.” said Inspector John.

“Yes. I will go home and bring it down here.” said Belinda’s mother.

“Okay, Madam. We will be here waiting. Don’t rush madam. Take it easy. We will be patiently waiting here.” said Inspector John.

“Okay, let me go and get it.” said Belinda’s mother.

Belinda’s mother left the ward and headed home for the diary. She came back later with the diary and handed it over to Inspector John. The policemen left the ward with the diary.

After awhile, while Belinda’s mother was seated in the ward and Belinda was asleep, she suddenly heard the sound of the door moving. It was moving slowly. What was happening? Who was trying to get in? Someone was behind the door.

“Who is that?” Belinda’s mother called out.

(No response)

“Who is behind that door?” Belinda’s mother said.

(No response)

What was going on? Someone was behind the door. Belinda’s mother stood up on her feet from the chair and called out again.

“Who is there?”

(No response)

What was happening? Belinda’s mother thought for awhile and then she decided to go see who was there. As Belinda’s mother approached and got close to the door, all of a sudden, she felt one hand go over her nose and another at the back of her head. Someone was trying to suffocate her to death! Belinda’s mother struggled to get free from the hold as the hands held on tight. Both parties struggled; one struggling in attack and the other in defense. Some noise was produced as both of them were struggling and Belinda woke up from her sleep. Her eyes were opened and she saw what was happening. She yelled!


Belinda continued to yell and the attacker withdrew his hand from his hold and left the place in a bid to escape. Belinda’s mother was gasping for breath. Belinda rushed to meet her mother where she was to check on her. Some nurses rushed into the ward as they had heard Belinda scream. After awhile, the two policemen who had left the ward also arrived and joined them in the ward. Belinda’s mother was now seated on the floor looking weak. She had almost lost her life.

“What happened?” asked Inspector John.

Belinda’s mum managed to speak. The two policemen went out of the ward in search of the attacker but they could not find him. He escaped! Who was he by the way? After awhile of hunting for the attacker and they could not find him, the policemen returned to the ward. Belinda’s mother was now seated on a chair and was looking better.

“Madam, did you see his face?” asked Inspector John.

“No, I did not. He was having a mask on his face and wore something over his head. I could not make out his face.” said Belinda’s mother.

“Is there anything that you think can help us in getting him? Did you find anything on him that can help out?” asked Inspector John.

Belinda’s mother dipped her hand inside a pocket on one side of the gown she was wearing and brought out a ring! Ring again! What type of ring? Diamond or golden? Silver ring! It was a silver ring. Inspector John collected the ring and looked closely at it. There was something about the ring. He could relate with that ring. Inspector John showed it to Inspector Ramsey, and after Ramsey examined it, he could also relate with it. There was something about that ring. It was created in the same structure of the golden ring which they had found in the room where Belinda was attacked. The same structure! There were only two differences between both rings. The first one was golden while the second was of silver. And the second difference was what? Story continues!

Inspector Ramsey and John left the ward and headed for the station. They had with them Belinda’s diary and the silver ring.