When Champagne Has Been Imbibed by I May End Soon - HTML preview

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One day, it happened that the two policemen went to meet someone at home. It happened that day. Both of the inspectors went to meet someone in his house.

(At the person’ house)

“Oh! Officers, you are welcome. Please sit down.”

“No, there is no need for that Mr. Ben. We would not be sitting.” said Inspector John.

“Really? Okay! So, what is the matter? Why are you here?” asked Uncle Ben. (It was Uncle Ben they had gone to meet. You remember him?)

“Mr. Ben, can we see any Identity of card of yours? Any identity card that displays at least three of your names?” said Inspector John.

“Sure, I have such Identity cards in the house. In fact, there is one in my pocket right now.” said Uncle Ben

Uncle Ben brought out the Identity card and handed it over to Inspector John. John looked at it and nodded his head. He passed it to Ramsey, who also looked at it and nodded his head. John collected the Identity card from Ramsey and handed it back to Uncle Ben. Then John wanted to speak, until something occurred to his mind. He sensed something. He had seen something. John looked closely at the spot where he had seen something. What did he see?

“Mr. Ben, is this a bronze ring on your finger?” asked Inspector John.

“Yes it is. It is my ring. I purchased it myself. And what’s up with it?” said Uncle Ben.

“Please, can I have a look at that ring?” said Inspector John.

“Of course!” said Uncle Ben.

Uncle Ben pulled out the ring and handed it over to Inspector John. John examined the ring and nodded his head. He handed the ring to Ramsey who examined it and nodded his head too. Ramsey handed it back to John who then handed the ring back to Uncle Ben. John then signaled to Ramsey with his head passing a message across. Ramsey understood. Ramsey pulled out his gun and pointed it at Uncle Ben.

“Mr Ben. You are under arrest.” said Inspector Ramsey.

“What? For what? What have I done?” asked Uncle Ben.

“Hey! Hey! Mister, please respect yourself and move. We don’t want to handcuff you but if you don’t comply, I have a handcuff with me here. Move!” said Inspector John.

“But for what? What have I done?” said Uncle Ben.

“Would you move now otherwise I will blow off your skull. Now move!” said Inspector Ramsey.

“Mr. Ben, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say here may be used against you in the court of law. Now move!” said Inspector John.

Uncle Ben was arrested and taken to the police station. What for?

(At the police station)

“Mr. Ben, I put it to you that you were the one who attacked Belinda and gave her the injury that caused her to lose her memory.” said Inspector John.

“What? Do you know what you are saying? Belinda is my niece; the daughter of my brother. And I love her and would never want to harm her. So what are you saying?” said Uncle Ben.

“Mr. Ben, I am putting it to you and I still stand on it that you were the one who attacked Belinda that night.” said Inspector John.

“Inspector John, you are really trying my patience here. I am not the one who attacked her. She is my niece and I love and would not want to harm her. For what reason would I want to harm Belinda? I was not the one.” said Uncle Ben.

“Mr Ben, you also bear the name Henry right?” asked Inspector John.

“Yes, I do.” replied Uncle Ben.

“Then what can you say about this Mr. Ben?” (Belinda’s diary was presented to Uncle Ben)

Uncle Ben looked at the page of the diary before him. It reads:

“Dear diary, remember what happened between I and my uncle, that man called Henry? He has been threatening me because of it. He has said that he will take his revenge on me. So in case, one day, he does something to me and I die and leave this world, I want you be an evidence against him. I want the police to see this in you so they can know that Henry and I had something together before I died. I don’t want him to go scot free. I will try my best while I am still alive to defend myself against him, but if he kills him, I want you to serve as a testimony against him. Goodnight!”

Uncle Ben looks up at Inspector John and tried to say something but his lips only shook. He did not say anything at first. After awhile, he eventually said something.

“But this does not stand as enough proof that I was the one who attacked her. Don’t you think that she may be lying? What proofs have you got to confirm what she wrote here that I have been threatening her? And even if I have been threatening her, what proofs have you got that I was the one who attacked her? I have said it before and I still stand on it. I was not the one who attacked Belinda.” said Uncle Ben.

Inspector John smiled and then he signaled to Inspector Ramsey. Ramsey placed a handkerchief on the table. Wrapped the handkerchiefs were two rings. Golden and silver!

“Mr Ben, what can you say about those rings before you?” said Inspector John.

(After awhile of looking at the rings) “I don’t know about these rings before me. I have got no business with them. I don’t own them and I don’t know the one who owns them. By the way, what has that got to do with this case?” said Uncle Ben.

“That golden ring was found beside where Belinda’s body lay in the room where she was found. Afterwards, in the hospital, Belinda’s mum was attacked and that silver ring was gotten from the attacker. The thing is, both this golden ring and the silver ring look like the bronze ring which we saw on your finger in their structures. So there is a connection.” said Inspector John.

“And what does that mean? If the rings look alike, does it mean I own them? Am I the only one to have bought a ring like that?” said Uncle Ben.

“Mr. Ben, take the three rings and look closely at them and see if you will notice something about them?” said Inspector John.

Uncle Ben took the rings and looked at them one after the other.

“Look closely, Mr. Ben. And you will find some text on them. On the golden ring, you will find G737, on the silver ring, you will find S737, while on the bronze ring, you will find B737.” said Inspector John.

“Yes, I can see that. What does that mean? Because the numbers are same mean that I own them?” said Uncle Ben.

Inspector John signaled to Inspector Ramsey. Ramsey reached for a laptop computer, operated it for awhile and placed it on the table.

“Mr. Ben, look at that this computer. What you are looking at is a conversation between us and the company that produces and markets these rings. And they confirmed it to us that they do not sell the rings separately rather they sell the three rings together. Which means that if you bought this bronze ring, which was what you told us, you also bought the silver and the golden rings.”

Uncle Ben kept mute.

“Mr. Ben, furthermore we asked about the text on the rings and we were informed that the text on the rings were there so the one who bought them could identify which ones were his own in case if he loses any of them. They do this because the rings look alike and there could be a mix up. So in case there is a mix up or they get lost, each owner would be able to identify his own rings with that identification number. The numbers on these golden, silver and bronze rings reads G737, S737 and B737 respectively which means that they were purchased together. So if you were the one who purchased this bronze ring with B737 on it, that means that you also purchased these golden and silver rings along with it.

Mr. Ben, I am putting it to you that you were the one who attacked Belinda that night and you were the same one who attacked her mother in the hospital. What have you got to say?” Inspector John said.

Uncle Ben bowed his head for awhile then he looked up at Inspector John.

“Yes, I did it.” said Uncle Ben.

Inspector John and Ramsey looked at each other.

“If you did it, then why did you do it?” asked Inspector John.

“It was one night. Belinda was celebrating her birthday so I went for the celebration which was holding in a hall in a hotel. That night, I was high because champagne had been served at the party and I had drunk from it. I was high and was feeling aroused that night. After the party ended and people were going home, I was going to the toilet to ease myself. Upon getting close to the male toilet, I saw Belinda on a call. I waited for her to finish with her call.


“Belinda, Belinda, how are you?” asked Uncle Ben.

“I am fine. Thank you. Uncle Henry, are you alright?” said Belinda.

(Belinda was someone who called her uncle Henry amongst the people who knew him as Henry. If you see Henry in this story, it is Uncle Ben)

“Alright? No, I don’t feel alright. I feel there is something going on inside of me that I seriously need to take care of.” said Uncle Ben.

“Really?” asked Belinda.

“Yes, something going on in me. Do you mind checking on me, maybe you can help me out.” said Uncle Ben.

“Okay, I don’t mind. So which part of your body is affected?” said Belinda

Belinda moved closer to Uncle Ben and tried to check on him. All of a sudden, Uncle Ben grabbed Belinda and was trying to bring her down. Belinda screamed and strived to get free from his hold. Uncle Ben, as a man that he was, was stronger than Belinda and succeeded in bringing her down and was trying to get between her legs. Belinda exerted her strength to break free but she was not strong enough. She had to do something fast. He was going to rape her! Belinda looked around and found an empty bottle of an alcoholic beverage. She smashed the bottle on the floor, and with one part of the broken bottle in her hand, Belinda stabbed Uncle Ben in his left arm. Uncle Ben withdrew from the struggle as a consequence and held the stabbed part, groaning in pain with blood flowing out of the spot. Belinda got up from the floor and ran away from the scene, leaving Uncle Ben behind in his pain.

(Flashback ends)

“I was there for awhile, then I managed to walk myself from that place into a room I had booked prior to that time. One of the hotel workers saw me and I told him it was an accident. He helped me with first aid that night. The next day, I left the hotel and drove to the hospital for treatment. Afterwards, I called Belinda on phone.


“Henry, why are you calling me now?” said Belinda.

“What? Have I suddenly lost respect before you? You just called my name like that? Said Uncle Ben.

“Henry, leave story. Why are you calling me? Simple!” said Belinda.

“I want to apologize to you for what happened that night. I was high and aroused that night. I would not have done that to you on a norm. Hope you did not tell your mum?” said Uncle Ben

“Sorry for yourself, Henry. You are such a disgrace. If I had not done what I did, what would have happened to me? You would have raped your own niece?” said Belinda.

“Belinda, I told you what had happened to me that night. The champagne we had had affected my system.” said Uncle Ben.

“Shut up your dirty mouth, you this foolish pervert. Were you the only one who had drunk that night? Did I not drink? Did some other people not drink? And now you say it was champagne.

Or it was because of the dirty feelings that you had towards me in your heart and you saw that situation as an opportunity to get me.” said Uncle Ben.

“Belinda, why are you talking to me in this manner? You are not even showing any remorse for what you did to me. Don’t you know that you have caused me pain? Come and look at my arm now. I am feeling pain in it.” said Uncle Ben.

“Oh! Your arm? You just made me remember that I had been nice. What about your head? What if I had stabbed that your head and the bottle had gotten into that your brain with those dirty thoughts of yours? Uncle Ben, I am really doing you a favor here. I have not told my mum what happened. I did what I did to defend myself and there is nothing you can do about it. Pervert! Get of my line.” said Belinda.

“Hello, Belinda… Hello, are you there? Hello….” said Uncle Ben.

Belinda had hung up the phone.

“Hmm. Am I the one that Belinda is talking to in this manner? She did not show any respect. She did not show any remorse for what she did. This girl does not know me. She does not know who I am. If she knew, she would not try this with her. I am going to teach this girl a lesson.” Uncle Ben said to himself.

(Flashback ends)

Afterwards, I started threatening Belinda. She was being rude towards me and it appeared like I had lost my respect before her. I wanted her to show some respect. I wanted her to feel remorse for what she did. But she did not. I would send threat messages to Belinda asking her to apologize for what she did otherwise she would regret it. But she would not apologize. Every time, I would talk to her and try to threaten her, she would also reply me with threats. I felt so ashamed that that young lady, as young as she was, was acting like that to me. So I decided to teach her a lesson.

I had asked someone to help me monitor her and I was informed that she was at that hotel that night. I went there and was keeping an eye on here but she did not know. I saw a guy leave the bar with her and they headed upstairs and I followed them.


“I can see you guys are having a good time.” said Uncle Ben.

“And who are you and what are you doing here?” said Edward.

“You are very silly for asking me that question.” said Uncle Ben.

“Would you get out of here man? Get out!” said Edward.

“Do you know who you are talking to?” said Uncle Ben.

“Who are you?” said Edward.

“Who am I? Since you have asked, then let me show you who I am.” said Uncle Ben.

Henry hit Edward hard with a thick piece of wood on his head. Edward collapsed to the floor and got unconscious. Henry turned to Belinda.

“Belinda, is this not you? I have got you at a good time. What do you have now or what can you do now to defend yourself against me?” said Uncle Ben.

“Henry, what is it? What have I done to you to deserve your threats? Why are you here now?” said Belinda.

“Really? So soon? Have you forgotten so soon what you did to me? You attacked me Belinda. You struck me hard. You made me bleed. You caused me pain. Have you forgotten?” said Uncle Ben.

“Henry, why don’t you leave me alone? Were you not the one who first grabbed me before I attacked you? I was defending myself from you, foolish pervert. Said Belinda.

SLAP!!! (Henry gives her a slap on her face) “How dare you talk to me like that? Don’t you have some fear in you? Are you not afraid of me?” said Uncle Ben.

“Henry, there is nothing to be afraid of about you. I don’t fear you.” said Belinda.

“Oh I see. Belinda, I would have considered sparing you because of the relation between you and I. Because of what we have had together in the past. Because of what we still have between us now. But, look at you. you are not showing any remorse for what you did. You do not feel sorry before me Belinda. You just said you are not afraid of me. I hereby choose not to pity you my dear. I am going to take my revenge.” said Uncle Ben.

“There is nothing you can do Henry.” said Belinda.

“There is something I can do. I can cause you pain. I can make you cry. Belinda don’t try me.” said Uncle Ben.

“Henry, I repeat, you can do nothing.” said Belinda.

“I repeat, I can do something.” said Uncle Ben.

“Then show me, Henry.” said Belinda.

“For real?” said Uncle Ben.

“Yes, show me what you got, you this weakling fool.” said Belinda.

(Henry grabs Belinda by her shoulders) “Belinda, don’t try me. I am warning you. I can cause you pain.” said Uncle Ben.

“You can do nothing.” said Belinda.

“Argggghhhhhhhhhhhh” Uncle Ben yelled in rage and shook Belinda rigorously.

“Leave me alone! Leave me alone!! Henry, leave me alone!!!” said Belinda trying to break free from his grip.

Uncle Ben and Belinda struggled for awhile but Henry overpowered her. While they were struggling, a golden ring fell off one of Uncle Ben’s fingers and landed on the floor. Uncle Ben grabbed her head, moved backwards and dashed forward with force, smashing her head viciously against the wall. Belinda sustained an injury at the back of her head instantly due to the attack and blood flowed out from the spot. She fell to the ground. Henry left the room.

(Flashback ends)

“And that was it.” said Uncle Ben.

“And why did you go to attack her mother at the hospital?” asked Inspector John.

“I was afraid that Belinda was going to recover from her memory loss and remember what I had done to her. So I went there to finish her up. Her mother was there with her, that was why I tried to kill her. I had planned to kill her mother first so I can have my way in murdering and finishing Belinda up. Please officer, it was because of champagne. It was the champagne that made me high and aroused that night. If I was not in that state, I would not think of sleeping with Belinda. And what happened would not have happened. Please help me. I am a responsible person in the society. If I am released and not sentenced to jail, I can contribute to the betterment of the society. Please help me.” said Uncle Ben.

“Mr. Ben, when you get to court, you would go and say that in court. Inspector Ramsey, take him to the cell.”

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), and gambling, and Al-Ansaab

(stone altars for sacrifices to idols, jinn, etc), and Al-Azlaam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shaytaan’s (Satan’s) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful” [al-Maa’idah 5:90]

Allaah has cursed the drinker of alcohol. In Sunan Abi Dawood (3189) it is narrated that Ibn

‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of

Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah has cursed alcohol, the one who drinks it, the one who pours it, the one who sells it, the one who buys it, the one squeezes (the grapes, etc), the one for whom it is squeezed, the one who carries it and the one to whom it is carried.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani as stated in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 2/700.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) likened the one who is addicted to alcohol to one who worships idols. It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of

Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The one who is addicted to alcohol is like one who worships an idol.” Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 3375; classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah, 2720.

In Saheeh al-Bukhaari (2295) and Saheeh Muslim (86) it is narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may

Allaah be pleased with him) said: the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “No one who commits zina is a believer at the moment when he is committing zina, and no one who drinks wine is a believer at the moment when he is drinking it, and no thief is a

believer at the moment when he is stealing, and no robber is a believer at the moment when he is robbing and the people are looking on.” This means that such a person is not a believer in

the sense of having complete faith, rather his faith is greatly lacking because of this evil action.




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