Myth #2 – Your Business will Slow Down after the Initial 90 Days
Let me tell you what happens in the industry. The first 90 days that you are building your business you continually hammer your downline to set goals, recruit, make calls, etc., because you’re focused on developing that legendary 90 day story. In reality, the story that you are really wanting to develop and will share world-wide is your five year story. My check after the first 90 days was a grand total of $36.37. If I based my success level on my first 90 days, then I would have been extremely depressed. I made a decision to build my business for five years and to never look back. This was the mindset that lead me to earn over a million dollars in the industry.
The first 90 days of building your business you want to learn from mentors and surround yourself with champions like myself that coach, teach and train others in the MLM industry. As the world’s leading authority in Network Marketing, I will share a statistic with you. After I share this information with you, I ask you to be truthful with yourself. Are you one of these statistics? After the initial 90 days of building their business, 95% of people go into a defensive mode and start to market products instead of marketing the business venture. The mindset is that since you haven’t made thousands of dollars within the first 90 days by introducing prospects to the business, then you will just market products and get them in the business by getting them to use the products. This does not work!
For those of you reading this book that have personally sponsored anyone into your business and/or you just signed into someone’s business, you have a responsibility to schedule and set goals for your organization and your teammates for twenty-four to sixty months out. In the first 90 days, distributors should make a mad sprint to learn and become an expert on the industry of Network Marketing. You don’t have to learn the products as I stated in Myth #1. In your first 90 days, your business can accelerate. Your 90 day process involves you scheduling your time, develop your belief level, submerge yourself in personal self-development and build your champion mindset.
Remember, I entered the industry at age twenty-four as a stutterer. I couldn’t even say my name. Many of you are on my database, and I sent an email to you about the movie Radio. I was able to relate to the main character in this movie, because I was abused by other children in school as a stutterer. I was called Woody Wood Pecker, Elmer Fudd and many other cruel names that focused on my disability. At that time in my life, my mindset was shot, but at the age of 24 I saw a little glimmer of light that brightened my future. I said to myself if they can do it, then I can do it too!
You must realize that your first 90 days is very, very important, and your business does not slow down. You make it slow down especially if you are an upline to other distributors by telling people that they have 90 days to build their business and develop their success story. Again, after 90 days I earned $36.37. Nine years later, I was retired to South Florida living the life of the rich and not so famous. Now, I am able to do what I love to do…coach and mentor champions like you!
Internalize the fact that your business accelerates and launches during the first 90 days, but your results after the initial 90 days do not place a cap on the level of success that you will ultimately achieve. In the next two to five years that follow, your business will explode and skyrocket if you spent your initial 90 days becoming an expert in the field of Network Marketing. When I coach people, I have them focus on developing their Why, scheduling their time, promoting their belief level and realizing that if they are building their business on a part-time business then they must be fully committed for at least twenty-four to sixty months in order to build a multi-million dollar business.
So many people are bombarded by their friends/family that want to know how they are doing after their fourth or fifth month, and often feel like failures because they aren’t making thousands of dollars per month. Let me be the first to tell you…You are doing awesome! You have positioned yourself in an industry and within a company that allows you to take advantage of building your very own business out of your home.
Fact is that your business accelerates after 90 days, because your belief and your mindset accelerates through your investment in a coach or a mentor. For those of you that have not attended one of my LIVE events, you definitely want to find out about how to secure your seat, because our goal is to create 100 millionaires in the industry of Network Marketing. Is that a hefty goal? Yes, but going from a stutterer to a millionaire motivator was no small feat either. Everyone said that it couldn’t be done, but my inner self that I developed with the first 90 days of launching my business venture believed that I could succeed.
In that stretch of 90 days, I read seven books in which my favorite books at that time were Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and All You Can Do is All You Can Do, but All You Can Do is Enough by A.L. Williams. Today, my favorite top three books include The Bible, which is the best motivational book out there, Think & Grow Rich and All You Can Do is All You Can Do, but All You Can Do is Enough. That’s how I developed my mindset during my first 90 days, and that’s how I continue to build my mindset today.
If you have a challenge in your MLM business, make a decision today to restart your 90 days and develop your mindset and your belief by attacking fear and breaking through your doubt in yourself. If you are reading this book right now, then you can build that million dollar business that you dreamed about during those first 90 days. How? Simply, stop after reading this next line. I want you to write down the first thing that clicked in your mind when you reviewed Network Marketing, and you had the opportunity to join your company to take part in the industry of Network Marketing that will change your life.
Let me give you an example. On March 15, 1990 at 7:38pm, a 24-year-old stuttering kid sat at a meeting where a young lady introduced the industry of Network Marketing to him. Through that introduction, that kid saw the young lady’s ability to achieve freedom and goals as she held up the book Think and Grow Rich. As you know, that young kid was me. It had nothing to do with the product line. I was never prospected face-to-face for the business. I simply saw an opportunity that would allow me to achieve freedom and speak fluently. My mindset never changed from that point on. I got into personal self-development and began hanging around the right people. The right people, the right belief and the right structure plus a five year goal equals success. Again, what went on in your mind when you were first introduced to the industry of Network Marketing? Stop and write it down now.
Welcome back. Those few sentences that you wrote down will be the foundation for your business over the next two to five years and will be the reason that you achieve ultimate success. For me, it didn’t happen overnight or over the first 90 days. It took me almost a decade to achieve success. I began in 1990 and moved to South Florida in 1997 and worked my business for two and half more years. I retired after over nine years of building my business. Now, my focus and responsibility to the industry is to lay out the truth and demolish these 3 MLM myths that are costing you millions. Remember in your initial 90 days, your business accelerates, your mindset develops and your lifestyle changes for the future based on your two to five year plan. Don’t base your ultimate success on those first 90 days!