Myth #3 – My Upline is the Best in the World
As you know, my responsibility is for you to fulfill your Why, live your dreams and earn your right to financial freedom. I want you to know what it feels like to set your own schedule, get up when you want to get up, spend time with your family and travel the world. After all, financial freedom is the main reason that most of us became involved in the industry. Now that you understand that I am looking out for your best interests, you won’t be upset when I tell you that your upline is probably not the best in the world.
A couple of days ago, I was on a coaching call with one of my elite coaching students when she told me that she felt guilty for sponsoring three people over the past week. This is the same person that didn’t enroll one person in the last three months. Now, let me tell you why. Her upline told her to build her business a certain way! If your upline is telling you to build your business a certain way and you are not having results, then you must realize that you own your distributorship. Of course, you were enrolled by your upline, and they earn a percentage off your efforts and your product movement, but your upline is not the person that should run your business. You’re an intelligent entrepreneur and have the right to make the decision to take control of your business if it is not manifesting and producing the results that you want.
If you aren’t sponsoring one to two people per week and if your check is not growing each month, then I challenge you to make a decision on the actions that you take every day. Be truthful with yourself! Are you on track to achieving your Why based on your daily actions steps? If your upline taught you a way of building your business that isn’t working, then CHANGE! Decide to change. Alter your habits. During my MLM Combat Boot Camps, the first thing that I ask the attendee about is his/her results. I don’t care about exactly what they are doing, but what I do care about is their ultimate results. Let me repeat myself, because that statement is very powerful. I don’t care about exactly what they are doing, but what I do care about is their ultimate results. Are you enrolling people? Is your organization building? Are you fired up and enthusiastic? Is your check growing?
Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” You are not able to give or be a blessing to others unless you earn income. Guess what? The vehicle of Network Marketing that you are in right now has produced thousands of millionaires, but sadly most likely you are not one of them. That’s why this book will result in a radical shift in the industry, because I am exposing the 3 myths that keep people from achieving their goals. Out of these three myths, this one is the most delicate topic to address. Many of you get so attached to your upline that you are not willing to spread your wings and fly. There’s nothing wrong with loving your upline unless your business is failing because of your relationship with your upline.
I’ve heard many of you say, “John, my upline is making $20,000 a month.” My response to you is, “That’s excellent, but what are you earning and have you moved to the next level?” You see, what your upline did to produce such a great income stream most likely will not work the same for you. Why? You may have a different personality than your upline. If so, then their techniques will not produce the same results for you.
During my events, the one thing that I do to assist the attendees is role play. This exercise helps them tweak their personalities to achieve results, which is to enroll people in their businesses. Most uplines usually hand their distributors a script and say, “This is what I do.” Well, you are not your upline and simply handing you a script will never work. Don’t get me wrong, it is great for you to tell your upline’s success story, but don’t expect to duplicate their story and produce their results.
I appreciate that so many of you are dedicated to your upline, but you must realize if your business isn’t growing then your upline is not the best. Take a look at your genealogy or your organizational chart. If your company has on-line genealogy reports, then I want you to commit to checking yours over the next seven days. If your genealogy is not growing, then stop what you are doing! It’s not working! Analyze your daily actions and your results. I know that you are saying, “John, my upline tells me to build my business like this.” I don’t care. My coaching client that I spoke about at the beginning of this chapter sponsored more people in seven days than she did in the previous three months. How? She radically shifted her decision to take action and create habits that will produce the results that will allow her to achieve financial freedom through the industry of Network Marketing. Why did she feel guilty? Because she stopped doing what her upline told her to do and had amazing results. Should she feel guilty? No! She’s an intelligent entrepreneur that realized that she was not reaping the benefits of the industry and took action.
Here’s a wakeup call. It’s available for you too through the industry of Network Marketing. As most of you know, I was involved in four organizations, and I broke records in every single company. I don’t say that to impress you, but to impress upon you the fact that I do know how to build organizations and assist people in building multi-million dollar businesses. It’s a harsh reality, but many of your uplines did not work their way to the top. They were simply grandfathered in, bought a top position, had rollovers from other companies or have been with their company since the beginning. They never built huge organizations and have no clue how to train others to succeed in the industry.
Don’ let your upline keep you from getting ahead. I’m gonna repeat that. Don’t let your upline keep you from getting ahead. I know that you’re thinking that your upline does nothing but try to help you, but a lot of stuff that your upline is teaching you is not applicable to you. This is fact, and you must internalize it. You want success, and you are willing to pay the price to go to the next level. Feel and know where you want to go in life. Let me ask you a gut-wrenching question. Why would you trade your success and your future for a system that your upline is teaching you that isn’t working? Be honest. Why sacrifice your future? Why sacrifice your family’s financial freedom?
I’m not saying that some of your uplines aren’t excellent. Most of my students’ uplines are great and actually begin to work with them more when they start doing something that produces results. Why? Their checks go up too! If you aren’t willing to change the process in which you recruit and sign people into the business, then your upline’s check won’t grow and neither will yours. Isn’t time you realized that you need to change? Why postpone your future and your success any longer? Make a decision today to analyze your results. You can love your upline, but you must take charge of your business if your organization is not growing. I challenge you to make the decision to control your future, empower yourself as an entrepreneur and start doing things different.