Cyber Sponsoring Workshop by Donald Howsden - HTML preview

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A Good Quality E-zine which you can have ALL of your opt-in prospects join is literally a license to PRINT Money!

You can produce a great e-zine in less then one hour! Even if you have never done anything like it before. It is TRUE! Just go to google and enter “ezine software” and you will get a ton of results.

Back? Good. See how easy it will be for you to create your own e-zine? The hardest part will probably be to come up with a name for it.


Now, what content will you put into your e-zine?


Of course you will always want to promote your primary Network Marketing company.


You will also want to have a section on tips for internet marketing.


Tips for off-line promotion of any Network Marketing company.


Possible a section on how they can save money on their taxes by having a home based business.


An article or two about Network Marketing. AND once or twice a month you will want to promote a package of GOOD products which they could use in their business.


These additional products which you recommend can be anything which they could use to build their business.


It doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be Network Marketing related, remember, these people are on the internet and could use a variety of things to promote their business.


A good book on advertising. Software to automate parts of their business. You get the idea—So, how much money have you left on the table over the years?


Now, that is the way YOU make money in this business while you are building up your residual and retirement income!!



It is completely beyond me why. Perhaps people are afraid if they teach their distributors these tactics they will wander off to do other things instead of building their Network Marketing business.

Perhaps, but I believe if anyone wanders off they would have anyway and they are really missing the boat. Why would you want to not build your Network Marketing business as your walk away income while YOU are making money with the techniques which we are teaching here?

Besides, I believe if you help someone make money they are going to appreciate you for a long time. Remember the trust factor? Well there is also a loyalty factor. If you get the loyalty of your distributors anyone else will be hard pressed to get them to leave your organization and join another company. Think about that for a while!

There are also other advantages for producing your own e-zine. You can list them in directories and get even more subscribers then the ones to your series. Co– Reg is also another way to get subscribers. There are many ways to get subscribers to your e-zine where you can’t get them to your opt-in page. These options don’t take a lot of time to set up and once they are going they are pretty much set and forget so you are not really taking away from your opt-in page advertising.

Actually, your e-zine is also going to point to your opt-in page to provide you with even more prospects which might not have went to your opt-in page but have enjoyed your e-zine and will go to your opt-in page simply because you have gained their trust.

This is just a sampling of what you can accomplish with your own e-zine. And they are so easy to create.


Give good information and recommendations and your pockets will always have a jingle in them—Ka-Ching!

I hope I have convinced you of the importance of having your own list and e-zine. The Internet is full of Income Opportunities and there is no reason why you shouldn’t be taking advantage of them all. Your Network Marketing business is the main goal and where the real residual income is, but why not collect the change along the way while you are building your dollars?

The rest of these workshops are going to be devoted to advertising and driving prospects to your opt-in page. We will be discussing in depth how to use the various methods and techniques which can drive literally thousands of prospects to your site. Plus, most of the methods are FREE. Well, nothing but your time is needed.