Cyber Sponsoring Workshop by Donald Howsden - HTML preview

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“CYBER” Sponsoring System Work Shop 4

If YOU didn’t EARN over a Thousand Dollars Last Month it is probably because you ignored the 97% who didn’t join your program!






It is simply amazing to me that whenever you mention “the list” to any Network Marketer, they think you are talking about making a list of people who you know. You know the one—the one everyone is supposed to make up as soon as they join any company. The one with family, friends, neighbors, probably even the nurse who helped deliver you when you were a baby! Yea, that one!

Well, I am here to tell you that is NOT the list I am talking about! I am talking about the list of people who went to your website and pre-enrolled. What did you do with those prospects? Where are they now? Did you put them into your OWN follow up system?


Yea, that’s what I said! Do you even have your own follow up system? Or do you just ignore anyone who doesn’t join your program? The sad fact is most people are never taught to build their OWN list. They are just told to get people to their opt-in or splash page and let the system do everything else. What a terrible waste. There is MORE MONEY in the people who don’t join your program then there is in the people who do! At least in the beginning stages of your business.

In a previous chapter we did a little “math” to show just how effective and how much money could be made on top of, not instead of, your main business.
Now, I don’t know how long you have been in Network Marketing, but I can guarantee if you have been in it for any amount of time YOU have lost track of hundreds of potential prospects. Prospects who, for whatever reason didn’t join your program. Maybe the timing just wasn’t right for them. Maybe they lost their job soon after they visited your site. Maybe, maybe, maybe. There are a thousand reasons why prospects don’t join. The point is—YOU really do not know what happened to these prospects!


Because no one showed you how to create your own list, and then follow up with them on a consistent basis providing them with information which would help them to further their goals and LINE YOUR POCKETS WITH CASH!!!

With your OWN list you can remain in contact with your prospects for years and when the timing is right for them they will look to you to join your opportunity.


With your OWN list you can give them advise on running their business AND offer the special deals which they can (and WILL) purchase from you.


With your OWN list your main business will continue to GROW.


With your OWN list the possibilities are endless!


But Don, isn’t building and maintaining a list a detriment to my Network Marketing business?



Having your OWN list will not only line your pockets with cash which you are now leaving on the table but it will also GROW your business faster then any other method! PLUS, if you teach your distributors how to maintain their own list they will be making more money and will NEVER leave you for the next so called “HOT” thing!

OK, now I have you convinced that you need your own list. I did, didn’t I? What are you going to do with it. WOW, that’s a great question. You are going to create an e-zine to publish every week.

Now, don’t have a heart attack! Publishing an e-zine is really easy. You don’t even have to come up with any of the content if you don’t want to. BUT……………...