Cyber Sponsoring Workshop by Donald Howsden - HTML preview

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“CYBER” Sponsoring System Work Shop 6

Today we start with E-zines. There are two aspects which I am going to be covering about this subject.


How to effectively advertise in ezines and the different options available.


2) Using Articles to advertise in ezines. This is the most powerful and FREE way to use ezines.

There is a whole new world of opportunity for you in Ezine advertising. There’s no doubt that the Ezine advertising medium provides an effective way to reach your target audience at a minimum cost. That is the most important part of Ezine advertising—the fact you can Laser Target your ads to just the audience you want to reach.

Why advertise in Ezines? Because it’s a low cost way to reach your target audience. For a small cost per ad you can reach thousands of pre-qualified and targeted prospects who will respond to your ad simply because they have an interest in what you are advertising. How do I know that? Because if they were not interested in what you are offering they would not be subscribed to the Ezine you are advertising in.

When starting out you don’t have a list to email to, so advertising in an ezine is like renting a list. You can use ezines as your own personal list!

In most Ezines you will have one of four options to choose from. It is kind of like you get what you pay for. If you want a better position for your ad you will pay more for it. The four options are: Free Classifieds, Regular Classifieds, Sponsor Ads, and Exclusive or Solo Ads. Let’s discuss each of these different avenues.

Free Ads. Hey, they are free. All you do is invest some of your time. Free ads are almost always reserved for subscribers but you will want to subscribe to any of the ezines you advertise in anyway.
You will find the free ads clear down at the bottom, past the sponsor ads, past the publishers links, past the articles, and past the regular old paid classifieds. So don’t expect too much from these free ads. The biggest benefit from these free ads is if you place them in a large quantity of ezines. We are talking Ezines here—not free online classified ads, we will discuss the free online classified ads in a later lesson. You can actually compensate for the poor ad placement by placing your ads consistently on a week to week basis.

Another advantage of the free ads is you can test your ad and the Ezine for free. Place you free ads for at least four weeks. At the end of this period check your response to your ad. If you ad has pulled a couple of responses per week then you can reasonable expect your paid advertising to do better.

Next is the paid Classified Ad. This could be the wisest money investment to start out with. Your cost can run as low as a couple of dollars per ad. Regular ads are usually limited to 5-7 lines. 60 characters or spaces per line. They are generally located below the sponsor ads and the publishers own ads. Sometimes you will find them placed between the articles. (when you are deciding which Ezines to advertise in this is one of the plusses you will want to look for.) The regular ads are always in a lower position which is why they are lower in cost.

Regular ads should bring “regular” response. Please don’t expect the floodgates to open just because you have a little classified ad out there. Even if your ad is a blockbuster of an advertisement the chances are you will see your response trickle in over a period of several days while the Ezine issue is current. Next up is:

Sponsor Ads. You usually have three placement options when you use sponsor ads.







Sponsor ads usually offer you more space for your advertisement, 10 lines or more. Also, sponsor ads are highlighted in some way to bring the readers attention to them. Don’t take this for granted. Be sure to check for this benefit before you buy a sponsor ad.

A good rule of thumb is don’t pay more than $8 to $10 per thousand for a TOP sponsor ad. $5 to $8 for a center position sponsor ad. Don’t spend your money on a Bottom sponsor ad!

The cost is more for these ads than for the regular ad because the placement is better. Lets take a look at some of the things you will want to look for,

“Top Sponsor Ads” These ads should be the first seen by the reader. In some ezines I have seen these ads sometimes get swamped by the publishers own offers. Be sure you look at the format of the publisher before paying for a top sponsor ad. Your ad should stand clear and catch the eye of the reader immediately. If it is surrounded by the publishers clutter then you should think twice or even three times before you go there with your money.

“Center Sponsor Ads” These ads cost less then the top sponsor ads because of the reduced exposure of their placement. Normally these ads are placed between the main text articles, which is not a bad position to be in. You should expect to get the same number of text lines as with the Top Sponsor Ads, The reason you are paying less is because of the lower position, not because your ad will be smaller. If the publisher doesn’t allow the same amount of lines in the center position as in the top position then just do not consider placing your ad in that publication.

“Bottom Sponsor Ad” My best advise is just don’t bother with these ads. You will be just as well off by buying the regular classified ads and saving your money to buy more ads. The bottom sponsor ad is placed with or sometimes even below the regular classified ads. You can usually get just as good a response from a carefully worded regular ad and at around half of the cost.

The next Ezine ad you can buy is the “Solo Ad”

Solo Ads are going to need a complete lesson by themselves. The reason being they are usually expensive and you will not be using them until you have mastered the “Sponsored Ads.” Solo ads are simply exclusive emails going out to the opt-in subscribers promoting nothing else but your ad. You can have great success with these ads since if you have done your homework they are highly targeted and are made for the sole purpose of delivering your exclusive message to the targeted audience. But enough on Solo Ads until a later lesson.

Now you know the different ads which can be placed in Ezines, so it is time to start your research to see which Ezines you will want to place your ads in.

To get started you can go to google and do a search for ezines + mlm or ezines + network marketing. We also have a complete section on ezine ads and how to even blast ads to ezines for free. You might want to take another look, our offer is tremendous. You receive absolutely everything you need for successfully using the internet in your business!

I might suggest you set up a separate email address for processing these ezines. By keeping all of your Ezines in one place it will be easier for you to keep track of the various Ezines you will be studying and advertising in.

The next step is to study the different Ezines. How is their appearance? Is it pleasing to the eye and easy to read or is it a huge block of text which no one would want to read ? Next, Are the articles of interest? How many ads appear in each issue? Is it a true Ezine with good content and information you can really use or is it just a fancified classified ad sheet?

You will want to know the answers to these questions before you decide if you want to advertise in these publications. We will be going into depth on how to use Ezines to advertise in. We will show you how to get your ad noticed above the rest of them. How to use free ads for testing purposes so you know you have a real knock out ad before spending any money.

I want to give you one word of warning. You are going to be using these Ezines to do your advertising in. Study the ads, check out the solo ads, but do not get lost in the vast ocean of the internet by answering these ads. It is ok to check out a few of the more interesting ones but don’t buy anything or get caught in the information overload trap! Ezines are one of the best advertising mediums and one of the cheapest ways to advertise on the Internet today, but stay focused! You will be learning a whole lot about Ezine advertising.

There are probably well over 300,000 ezines on the Internet now. They come and go at a rapid pace so make sure the ones you advertise in have been around for a while and will still be there when you ad is scheduled to run. Have fun, subscribe to some of them and look over the ads and see which ones attract your attention. Why did they attract your attention? How can you use this in your ads? Please do not copy someone else’s ads, but, you can use their ad as a direction.

Here are a few ways to get your ads noticed. Use some of these tricks on all of your ads whether you pay for them or get them for free.


Use some white space creatively in your subject line. Add extra blank spaces between words or letters.


Use Capital letters to accent the important words. “How To” “You’ve Got” get the picture?



Amazing how that word literally stops you right in your tracks, isn’t it? People have been trained their whole lives to stop whatever they are doing whenever they see that word. Try to start your ad with the word “Stop”

Ask a Question in your subject line. Again, most people have been trained by years of schooling to automatically answer questions.

“FREE” Pretty powerful word on the internet. Why not offer them something for free in your advertisement? A Website free for 30 Days. Let YOUR advertising build their business for FREE! Look over your website and your back office. You have a fabulous set of features in your back office. How many of them could you incorporate with the word FREE?

:~) Well, how about that smile? People use smiles all of the time offline. Why not start your advertisement with an online smile?

Keep your subject short and to the point. Have it lead into your ad. You could also have your subject line in quotation marks “” Stars** those wavy things~ ~ ~ or even these things ><><><><. Anything out of the ordinary will draw attention to your ads.

Try wording your ad as a testimonial. It lends instant credibility to you ad.


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Try it with a few of your ads, you will get the hang of it.

YOU need to learn how to create your own ads. How many times have you seen the identical advertisement for affiliate links? If you want to step above the crowd you will take the time necessary to learn how to write ads. It is not hard and once you start to write them you will see how easy it is to set down and write 20 or 30 different ads in one setting While you are going through the ads which are in the Ezines you are testing see how YOU can improve them with these tips on making your ads stand out.

Next I will be explaining how to use articles to promote your opt-in page. Even if you can’t write one word I will show exactly how to obtain articles to use as your own.