Cyber Sponsoring Workshop by Donald Howsden - HTML preview

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“CYBER” Sponsoring System Work Shop 7

Today the FUN really starts! Writing articles is not a good way to get targeted traffic to your opt-in page, it is the ultimate way!

Publishing and promoting with free articles gives you one of the most powerful opportunities to tip your prospects “credibility scale” in YOUR favor and have them join your opportunity.


Just ask yourself, when you are reading a magazine which do you trust more, the articles or the advertisements? It’s amazing, as soon as your name appears in print, even in an ezine, you are an instant authority!

Think of it.


Articles are an excellent way to build trust and credibility almost instantly with your prospects. Not only that, but there are several other reasons to use articles.

By writing, publishing, and promoting articles you continue to build your reputation with your target audience as an “trusted expert.” You will be building valuable content which your distributors can use to sponsor more distributors. You can use them to create another auto-responder series or profitable “Mini-courses.” You will get better and better at writing and picking topics which will swell the visitors to your opt-in page into a tidal wave!

Now you know why you should write articles so lets get into the mechanics of writhing articles. It is easy—it really is. We are not talking about writing the next “best-selling” novel here, we are simply talking about writing a 500 to 800 word article. Breaking it down into small steps is what makes it as simple a pie! Lets get started shall we.

First you need a title for your article. Actually, the title is the most important part of your article. If the title doesn’t “GRAB” your readers attention and pull them into article then your article will never be read. To get started you may use these techniques for creating an attention grabbing headline.

Ask a Question. By choosing a question for the title of your article, you involve your reader in your article. Interaction is a key to successful ezine article writing. You need your reader to WANT to read on. Curiosity is a powerful tool that can be harnessed with a question title. Example: "What's Wrong With Your Advertising? Check These 5 Things"

Start with a Statement: When using a statement title, you'll want to do two important things: First, use specifics (I.E. 95%, 2 out of 3, $348.03) and introduce a problem. Then, you quickly hint at a solution. Example: "95% Of Relationships Fail Because of This...But It is Fixable"

Experience: One of the most attention-grabbing ways to create an article title is to share specific statistics from your own experience. The one thing that folks want more than anything else is results. Sharing what you have personally achieved is a perfect way to create an ezine article title. (You explain HOW you achieved the title in the article itself) Example: "How I Generate 100 New Ezine Subscribers Every Day"

Overview: An overview title is just provide a description that outlines what you are going to share in the article. Examples: "7 Ways to Earn More Income Online With Affiliate Programs", "How to Plan The Ultimate Vacation in 3 Easy Steps", "10 Free Resources for Homeschooling Your Children."

Now you are ready to get into the “meat” of your article. One of the things that will, at a minimum, get your readers into the article is to suck them in with an attention-grabbing first sentence. Here are just a few examples to use.

Did you know that………..
I bet you can't tell me………….
This may come as a surprise………….. What you are about to read ……………... How many times have you ………………. Here's a really simple way………………. I've got a confession to make………………. Let me share a short story with you…………….

People love solutions! The best articles you can write solve problems. So you will want to very briefly share a problem and explain how the information you are going to share in the article will offer one or more solution ideas for it.

Next, come up with 1 point and discuss it’s importance in detail. You will want to explain your point in simple details. Use short, easy-to-follow sentences. Use the words "you" and "your" to focus on the reader. Write as if you were sharing with a specific person in mind. Feel free to use more than one paragraph -- just make sure you clearly explain the point as quickly as you can.

Next write 3 to 5 more points and repeat the procedure above. Then you will want to summarize your article. You want to stress here the ultimate benefit to the reader when they follow your ideas. What results can they expect? This is a great place to stress your personal experience -- what happened when you did it? Share some specific statistics...prove your point...use research. And convey the thought "You can do it too!" so the reader feels that the article applies to them. Which is the point, after all. Always finish your articles with a motivational statement. Ask a question. Encourage a response. Present a call to action. Give them some task to do, even if it's as simple as "Now put this into practice and you can see similar results."

The final step is to create your resource box. This resource box is the reason you are writing the article! I can’t count the times I have read an article which was great and had a resource box which was just terrible. In the order of importance your resource box is number 1!

In your resource box you want to have a “call to action.” Really, you want to tell your prospects exactly what to do. An example of a bad resource box would be:


(Name with-held to protect the guilty) is a Network Marketer who is involved in ecommerce. You can visit her website at (deleted for the same reason).

Now why would anyone go through the trouble of writing a article and then blow all of the effort with a lousy resource box like the one above. Here is a resource box which has a call to action and is very well thought out.

(Name with held), makes it easy to launch a successful online business and rapidly build your wealth to a six figure income. Learn the essential keys to success. To receive your free 6 part mini-course visit (site withheld).
Now that is a resource box. It gives a great benefit-earn a 6 figure income rapidly– and an action step-receive 6 part mini series.

Spend as much time on your resource box as you do your article. Without a good resource box your article will do you absolutely no good.


Next we will be covering some more ways to promote your opt-in page to drive even more prospects to it.