Cyber Sponsoring Workshop by Donald Howsden - HTML preview

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The Power Of Forum Marketing

If you aren't taking advantage of The Power Of Forum Marketing, you are missing out on a huge opportunity. Shockingly, Most Marketers Have Never Even TRIED It!

Forum marketing really isn't that hard, but you do need to know what to do. We are going to take you by the hand and show you step-by-step everything you need to know about establishing yourself in a forum, and gaining sales and a growing list of buyers in the process. It's really that simple.


We are going to give you a ebook and video series worth over $47.

First the E-book:

"Forum Marketing Secrets" Guide Value $27 This 20 page book is jam-packed with tons of great information on how to become a master at forum marketing. It supplements the videos.

Then The Videos:

This Video Series Features:

A Collection of 20 Professionally Recorded Videos, 80 Minutes of Content - This complete video series will teach you everything you need to know about forum marketing.

The Importance of Forum Marketing - Before you start marketing, you need to understand the specific advantages of forum marketing so you know how to make the most of your time.

Things You Can Promote with Forum Marketing - You may already have something in mind to promote, but if you don't I'll help you find something.

How to Find The Best Forums to Market On - Not all Forums are "marketable", I will give you a checklist of things to grade each forum you come across, so you only spend time on the ones that will return the most profit.

How to Create an Effective Signature - I will show you how to create a signature that will grab people's attention without being too "pushy".

How to Establish Yourself as an Expert - I will show you how to get people on the forum to respect you, and value what you have to say (this is super-important if you want people to buy from you).

How to Find the Best Posts to Participate In - Not all posts are created equal! Learn how to spot the posts and threads that you absolutely need to be involved in, and how to stay away from those you shouldn't be.

How to Track Your Results - Not everything you do is going to work, it is so important to track everything you do so you can expand upon what works and cut your losses when appropriate. I show you how.
How to Explore a Joint Venture on a Forum - Joint ventures are one of the most valuable relationships you can establish. I will show you how to initiate one on a forum.

The Five Keys to Forum Marketing Success - Five simple rules you need to be following if you want to be successful with forum marketing.

With this ebook and video series you will start to understand the power of the internet and just how many millions of people are out there just waiting for the right offer to come along.

You will be able to download the 20 page book below so you can read it and get a real grasp of everything the videos are going to cover.


Next you will be downloading the video series--over 80 minutes of power packed information on forum marketing.

Plus, next we will also go into surfing sites. These sites are close to the traffic exchanges in that they show your site to the surfers. Once again you will have the advantage over most of the other surfers as you will have the inside track on what to do.

Click Here To Download The Forum Marketing Ebook


Before we give you the link for the videos we are going to introduce you to the concept of Surf Traffic Exchanges.

A surf traffic exchange is essentially a site where you can "trade" traffic with other members for free. You agree to look at their website for a certain amount of time (usually from 6 to 20 seconds) and they agree to look at yours. OK, this is a very simple explanation but it gives the basic explanation of how they work.

Well, 99% of the people who use them are not using them the right way!


Most people go to a surf traffic exchange and just put up their sales page for everyone to see, hoping to make some money that way.

Unfortuantely, that's not going to work! You only have a very limited time to capture the attention of the viewer so a long sales page is not going to do anything for you.
The only type of page you should ever use on a surf traffic exchange is your mini site page. This is a simple page which is designed to grab the readers attention and convince then to enter their name and email in return for a special gift or bonus of some sort. Of course, we provide you with one of the best squeeze pages around for you to use in Inet Incomes.

Well, anyway, with a good squeeze page you can capture a LOT of names and emails and build yourself a huge prospect list. Once they are on YOUR Prospect List it is much easier to sell them products and build a relationship with them and get them into your opportunities!

The best way to work surfing traffic exchanges is to set aside a certain amount of time each day to "Build Your Credits."

If you have more money than time with most of the sites they allow you to purchase credits (website views). On some of these sites you can get actual visitors to your site for as low as $16 per 2800 visitors! On other sites you can get 1000 actual site views for as low as $10. That is a pretty darn good deal! It also saves you a lot of surfing time.

Before We Get Started I Want To Explain Something To You.

Depending on your experience you may very well use every technique available to you. But, you do not have to use them all at once. Don't let yourself get caught in the trap of thinking you need to start using every technique at once, as soon as we show it to you. Work at your own pace as your time and money permits.

Of course, eventually, you want to be using quite a few of the different techniques to drive more and more traffic and potential prospects to your website. Building up a sunami of traffic to your site takes a while, but once you learn how to create traffic on demand then you will be truly Finacially Free!

On to the first of our Surfing Traffic Exchanges.