Cyber Sponsoring Workshop by Donald Howsden - HTML preview

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I Love Hits

We are going to cover 3 aspects in each of these Surf Traffic Exchanges.


1) Outline the procedure to become a Free Member.


2) Show you how to either Surf or Purchase Credits to advertise your site.


3) Explain how to set up your advertising campaign and start getting prospects to your splash page.

1) I Love Hits has over 50,000 members. It has been around since August of
2001, making it one of the oldest Surfing Exchanges around. In order to purchase credits you must first be a member, but membership is FREE! They also have a paid membership but I believe you can actually purchase the credits cheaper then the paid membership unless you are experienced enough to use banner ads.

Click Here to Join as A Free Member


On the page you land on there will be a column on the left hand side. It is named Site navigation. On the second block you will see "Join Free Now."

On the next page you just fill out your name etc. On the site name put the site you want to promote or use your CyberSponsoring Affiliate URL. Click on the I agree to the terms box and then click on the Register Me button.

That's It. You will receive an email which you must confirm your email address and then you will receive your log in details.

2) When you receive your log in details go back to I love Hits and log in. Once loged in you will be on a page called the locker room. I would suggest you do a little surfing to get used to these types of sites. You will also get a feel for howthingswork. Once again on the left side ther is a navagation area. The second button down is to start surfing. Click on it and surf for 15 or 20 minutes.

OK, done surfing? Let's go back to I Love Hits and set up your advertising. If you are going to surf for your credits then this next section will only apply after the purchase credits section.

On the site navigation menu click on the buy credits button. You will be taken to a page where you can buy either 2800 credits for $16 or 5600 credits for $30. Purchase the amount you want. I would suggest buying only 2800 at a time as you will probably only get around 80 or 90 views a day so 2800 credits will last almost a month!.
3) Now you are ready to start your advertising campaign. If you are surfing for credits then you will have to build up your credits before you can do this step.

Now on the site navagation panel click on the My Websites button. The site which you initially listed should be there. You can click on the site name and be able to change or even delete that site.

Be sure to click on the URL and make certain it takes you to your site.


If you want to add an additional site then click on the add a new site here link.

Now look in the Credits column. If there are no credits there and you have credits to use then you need click on the Assign Credits button on the site navigation panel on the left hand side. This page is pretty self explanatory. Just follow the directions on page and your site will be rotating on the views and you will soon be receiving hits!

That is the process. You will be using this same process through most of these type of sites. So I will not be going into such detail on most of the other sites. The Next Site Is: