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Jeff Pulver

Dan Engel

David Friend

John Warrilow

Paul Graham

Gary Vaynerchuk

Ben Chong

Michael Russo

Chris Jankulovski

Gauri Nanda

Guy Kawasaki

Chris Winfield

Jerry Colonna

Bob Dunlap

Howard Bragman

You can find more information on Andrew Warner by visiting

~ If we don't change, we don't grow,

we aren't really living. ~

Gail Sheehy

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Andrew Carnegie, one of the wealthiest men in the world in his time, believed

that there was a clear-cut formula to achieving success. He believed that,

with some study, a simple formula could be found that almost anyone could

apply to their life.

Consider the interviews and the studies of Napoleon Hill on the subject of

success, ‘The Philosophy of Achievement’, was published in 1925 as a book

titled, ‘The Law of Success’.

Remember, Napoleon Hill’s life clearly shows how interviewing experts can

provide you with all the tools and wisdom you need to achieve the success

that you desire.

The FACT is that almost 98% of people have no firm belief or purpose in their

life. Take 30 seconds right now and write down your 5 major goals.

Don’t think about it.

Just do it, as Nike say.

Go On I Dare You!

Consider getting Andy Shaw’s 2-part book experience - A Step-by-Step

Guide to Re-Booting your Mind for Creating The Life You Desire.

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Chapter Fifteen

How To Apply This To Your Life And Business

~ It's not what you've got, it's what you

use that makes a difference. ~

Zig Ziglar

What Do These Success Stories Have In Common?

One of the reasons that I love to interview people is that I am often inspired

by their stories. Some have a very personal side to them. But, business often

has a way of teaching you a lot about yourself too.

Some stories have aspects to them that I can personally relate to. Maybe I

experienced a similar challenge or difficulty. If that is the case, I am always

interested to hear how the other person approached and overcame the


Some subjects simply fascinate me and I can sit for hours as someone shares

their knowledge or experience. Internet marketing and wealth creation are

two of the subjects that I am incredibly passionate about.

I know what it is like to have big dreams yet struggle through life. I know

how frustrating that can be.

So, when I hear about business people that have managed to achieve a level

of success in a certain area of business, then I am keenly interested to hear

their story.

This is why I included a special section of success stories. Each of these

people has inspired me in different ways and I have learned valuable things

from all of them.

As you have read through them, I hope that you too have gained some

valuable insights and perhaps even some new business ideas.

This list of success stories is by no means complete. In fact, I could probably

write several volumes on the successes of different business people. If you

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continue to research on your own you are likely to discover many more

inspiring stories.

As you read through the various stories, you may have picked up that most

of them have used Internet marketing as the foundation for their success.

Some of the people featured in the success stories had a knack for sales, for

sourcing information on the Internet or for coming up with creative ways in

which to use the Internet to their advantage.

Other people simply saw the Internet as the valuable marketing tool that it


The Internet provides a global affordable platform to get products out to

clients. Learning how to do so effectively, though, is another challenge.

This then brings us to the second theme, that of interviewing. In almost all

of these success stories, the individuals got to a point in their business where

they realized they either didn’t have enough knowledge, enough

expertise, or enough content to make their business really grow.

It was then that interviewing became the tool that provided them with access

to experts. Through interviewing, each individual could learn from experts.

They could then turn this expertise into products to market to their clients,

gain more exposure for themselves and the interviewee, and have meaty

content for their website or blog.

Interviewing is one of the simplest ways to gain knowledge from an

authority in a specific niche. Each person has their own story, and it is often

the human element to the success story that makes it so interesting. That’s

often what gets people’s attention and makes them want to listen.

An online or Internet marketing business really lends itself to interviewing . It

provides a platform from which you can market your interview materials to a

global audience in a very inexpensive way.

It is no coincidence that most of these success stories are people who run

their businesses primarily on the Internet.

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Each of the people featured in the success stories has taken advantage of the

technology available and turned it into a profitable tool for their business.

Instead of believing computers are something that isolates people, they have

used technology as a way to connect people.

An interesting thing is the concept of going viral. In computing terms, this

simply means that a product can get exposure on the Internet to millions of

people by simply using online networks. People send links to their friends and

ask them to pass it on to whoever they know. In a very short space of

time, products and ideas can be seen by people from all around the


Each of the people whose success stories I’ve shown you used their networks

to promote and grow their businesses successfully.

~ A person should design the way he makes a living

around how he wishes to make a life. ~

Charlie Byrd

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What Can You Learn From These Stories?

The first thing I would like you to take away from these stories is to be

inspired by their success. Most were ordinary people; they simply had big

dreams and were determined to find a way to achieve them.

What I find particularly inspiring about these stories is that so many of these

entrepreneurs are so young. They haven’t waited until they were in business

for ten or twenty years before developing their ideas. They’ve taken the leap

of faith and done everything they could to make a success of their businesses


People are realizing earlier in life that lifestyle is as important as making a

living. Perhaps it’s seeing parents work for a lifetime and not have much to

show for it when they retire that makes them want to create a better career

path for themselves.

Deep down, you have a dream of a lifestyle you want to be living. Be

inspired by these stories and know that it is possible to achieve your


Believe it! It can happen. You can have that lifestyle. It is within your reach.

You know the old story of a couple driving around and the husband refuses to

ask for directions, even though they are lost. Everyone knows he should and

that it’s just pride standing in the way.

Don’t be that husband. Ask for directions.

Interviewing gives you the simplest and most effective way to ask for

directions for your business. You don’t need to have all the answers and you

don’t need to try figure it all out on your own. You can simply ask someone

else who has already walked that road.

You can ask an expert.

An expert will be willing to give you the answers because most people who

have achieved a level of success like to share their story with others. And,

even if their motives are not entirely altruistic, an expert will still do the

interview because you are providing them with an opportunity to promote

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their business. Smart business people can spot a good opportunity when they

see one.

By using interviewing, you are not only raising the profiles of the people you

are interviewing. You are also raising your profile as an authority.

Soon, people may be approaching you to hear your success story. Then, you

can share with them how interviewing made the difference in your business.

~ If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it,

change your attitude. ~

Maya Angelou

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The Internet provides a level playing field for us all to get our products and

ideas out to the world.

Interviewing is one of the simplest ways to gain knowledge. It provides a

platform from which you can market your interview materials to a global

audience in a very inexpensive way.

People are realizing now more than ever that it is lifestyle which is much

more important.

Do not believe it; KNOW IT can happen for you. You can have that lifestyle.

It is within your reach.

It’s one of the simplest and most effective ways of becoming an authority

while increasing your personal wealth.

Take advantage of the technology available and turn it into a profitable tool

for your business.

Understand that business people are willing to take time out of their

schedules in order to share their stories and expertise.

Your Content is King.

~ What the mind of man can conceive and believe,

it can achieve ~

Napoleon Hill

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Now that you have worked your way through the book, I trust that you have

found lots of new and inspiring information.

The big question is now, “What will you do with that information?”

Some of you may be resigned and say: ‘That sounds great but it is not for


If those are your thoughts, I would urge you to read through the book again.

I say this because I really do believe that interviewing is for everyone.

Reading through this book once again will help you to understand in more

detail why I believe that interviewing can be so valuable to you and your


As these success stories illustrate, there are experts in every industry

imaginable. Most of these experts, if approached in the right way, will be

more than willing to share their expertise with other business people.

Remember, when someone is viewed as an expert:

It raises their personal profile

It raises their business profile and

It raises the perception of them as an authority.

I don’t know of many business people that would turn down an opportunity

to gain more exposure for their business.

Today, we live in an age where there are more opportunities than ever

before for people to be living the lives that they dream of. The Internet has

opened up an entirely new way of doing business.

You can connect with people from around the globe and market products

worldwide for a fraction of what it would have cost if you had to do business

the more traditional way.

And yet, some people still hold back, not believing that success is something

that they can achieve in their lifetime.

Some believe that they are too young, while others believe they are too old.

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Still others are stuck in stereotypical roles forced on them by their culture or


I’d like to encourage you to expand your thinking. No matter what type of life

you are living now, start to believe that there is more out there for you. If

you need further encouragement and guidance then get your hands on

inspirational books by authors such as Napoleon Hill or other personal

development experts.

Simply make the decision to start to change your mind-set and be deliberate

and purposeful in your steps to do so. You will see changes coming about in

your life in the most incredible way when you start to embrace a more

positive mind-set.

Expanding your thinking encourages you to want to learn. And the more you

want to learn, the more you will look to other people to help you with the

learning process. This, in turn, inspires you to want to interview people so

that you can learn from their business experience.

Make your mind up to be a success, and know that you have all the tools

available to you right now to make it happen.

You can really do this, so start today and interview your way to success!

“There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made

and which in its original state permeates, penetrates

and fills the inner spaces of the universe.

A thought in this substance produces the thing that

is imaged by the thought.

A person can form things in their thoughts

and by impressing their thoughts on the former substance

can cause the thing they think about to be created.

In order to do this a person must pass from

the competitive to the creative mind.

They must form a clear mental picture of the thing

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they want and they must hold this picture in their

thoughts, with the fixed purpose to get what they want.

Closing their mind to all that may tend to shake their purpose, dim

their vision or quench their faith.

That they may receive what they want;

when it comes a person must act now upon the people

and things in their present environment”

From “The Science of Getting Rich”

by Wallace D Wattles (1860-1911)

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Useful Resources


A Bug Free Mind:

Article Alley:


BURPIES software:


Distribute Your Articles:

Ezine Articles:


Go Articles:

Google Free Keyword Tool: 

How To Make Money Interviewing Experts! Seminar:

Host Gator:


Optimize Press:


Your Conference:


You Tube:


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Recommended Reading

The Acorn Principle – Jim Cathcart

The Winners Edge – Dr. Denis Waitley

Psychology of Success – Dr. Denis Waitley

The Magic of Thinking Big – David J. Schwartz

See You At The Top – Zig Zigglar

The Strangest Secret – Earl Nightingale

Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

You Can Work Your Own Miracles – Napoleon Hill

Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude – Napoleon Hill & W. Clement


How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living – Dale Carnegie

The Richest Man in Babylon – George S. Clason

The Science of Getting Rich – Wallace D. Wattles

Rich Dad Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing – Robert Kiyosaki

Cash Flow Quadrant – Robert Kiyosaki

The E-Myth – Michael Gerber

How to Think Like a Millionaire – Charles-Albert Poissant

Notes From a Friend – Anthony Robbins

Awaken The Giant Within – Anthony Robbins

Life is Tremendous – Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

What to Say When You Talk To Your Self – Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D.

Skill with People – Les Giblin

Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway – Susan Jeffers

Golden Apples – Bill Cullen

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The Choice – Og Mandino

The Gift of Acabar – Og Mandino

The Twelfth Angel – Og Mandino

The Spellbinder’s Gift – Og Mandino

The Greatest Salesman in the World – Og Mandino

The Greatest Salesman in the World Part 2 – Og Mandino

The Greatest Secret in the World – Og Mandino

Mission: Success! – Og Mandino

The Return of the Ragpicker – Og Mandino

A Better Way to Live – Og Mandino

The Greatest Miracle in the World – Og Mandino

Thought Vibration – William Walker Atkinson

Acres of Diamonds – Russell H. Conwell

The Kingship of Self-Control – William George Jordan

As A Man Thinketh – James Allen

How to Make Money While You Sleep! – Brett McFall

Money For Nothing And Your Property for Free – Andy Shaw

"Creating" A Bug Free Mind – Andy Shaw

"Using" A Bug Free Mind – Andy Shaw

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey

Lateral Thinking – Edward De Bono

Think Big And Kick Ass – Donald Trump

The Tongue A Creative Force – Charles Capps

Screw It, Let’s Do It – Sir Richard Branson

Tribes - Seth Godin