Invitation to Internet Success (Wear Your Party Pants) by Esther Smith - HTML preview

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Quit Before You Are Let Go!

But there's hope. The Internet is the single most powerful force on the planet today. What took radio 38 years and television 15 years, the Internet has done in only 5, reaching 600 million users. Powerful force is an understatement.

In the workplace, we consider "being promoted" as earning more pay or working less hours. With the same mindset regarding the Internet, if you want to earn more and work less, you're going to have to start creating income streams that do not require your direct involvement: leveraged income.

Let's pause here to differentiate between linear income and leveraged income.

Linear income is money you make through direct sales, or by working a 40 hour week and being paid a salary. Doctors and lawyers earn a higher linear income than say, a dressmaker or pizza chef. But it's a fact: we all have a maximum of 24 hours a day which limits the amount of money even doctors and lawyers can personally generate.

With the right opportunity and making one sale you've set into motion a chain of events that adds to your income and a new pay stream has been generated. In the perfect scenario, this continues over and over without end.

Do you know what happens when you double a penny every day for a month? At the 15 day mark, it's grown to $163.84. But by the 30th day, it has mushroomed to over 5 million dollars!

Business entrepreneurs see the big picture. Building assets from which their money will come in month after month, year after year from work they are doing today. Think of the composer, or the owner of rental real estate; their work is done once and they get paid forever because of that effort. Leveraged income.

Business entrepreneurs like to call this their money-machines. They understand that in order to build a money-machine an investment is necessary. You must invest your time, and a modest amount of money to hit the ground running. There is just no such thing as a business without investing. Soon those desirable 5-10 hour weeks become a reality, and you have been freed from your job, or time-for-money trap!

Look at programs the professionals have joined. They aren‘t driving cars with lose weight, ask me how bumper stickers. Realistically they are making $10k a month, and not in years but in weeks. And not with hundreds of clients but with a handful who have produced permanent multiple money-streams.