Invitation to Internet Success (Wear Your Party Pants) by Esther Smith - HTML preview

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Credibility and Building Trust

This is the best place to cover Credibility and Building Trust with your clients because all of them will flow in and out of your life from this day forward. Later, you may be required to give a phone presentation or at the very minimum, answer a call from a client who has questions.

Building Trust:

Trust begins with you. When you enter a program that requires phone or email dialogue, let go of the idea that a sale can only happen if you control the conversation. Put your offer on hold and engage in conversation without assuming anything. I like the first part of any phone call to be largely my prospect‘s voice, not mine. A few pointed questions can bring this about and humor will disarm a skeptic every time.

George Burns, the famous comedian once said, "The most important thing in life is sincerity - if you can fake that, you've got it made". It seems today, that most businesses are missing the joke.