Invitation to Internet Success (Wear Your Party Pants) by Esther Smith - HTML preview

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The Words Sales and Trust Are Not Generally Used In The Same Text!

Justifiably online buyers are skeptical, even cynical about being 'taken'. Buyers don't trust sellers because they fear sellers have only their own interests at heart. Trustbased selling sounds like an oxymoron and they have good reason to be suspicious.

Today, every business with a substantial entry price needs to become a matchmaker between their product/service and the needs of their buyer. Their trust in your words will confirm your knowledge, skill or competency. This instills confidence and the absence of suspicion.

Exuding trust can be learned, and when consistently a part of your communication will measurably increase your influence in all your sales as well as other aspects of your life. We‘re in a new millennium and old sales practices have to go.
Alvin Toffler, Author of "The Third Wave" said... "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."


It is great to have credibility and even though it won‘t be necessary to prove yourself to new members (because you meet them after they have joined), its nice to begin working on building yours.

A few ways to do this is to have a personal domain site where you can bring prospects to a Splash Page prior to introducing them to your company website. This has the added benefit of making a prospect do an extra step – assuring you that he must really, really be interested or he would not take the time.

A website like would be a sample of a Splash Page. With any domain you must find a hosting company to park it. Some are good, some are better. Some will offer you the whole enchilada; buy your domain and we will host it for you. Try this one:
aff=theperma.ICDSoft for as low as $6 month and you can search for a domain name on the same page.

Names of businesses play an important role in determining the "personality" of a company. The words contained in the business name should define the services or products offered. Business names that have nothing to do with the underlying product or service often require extensive and expensive marketing efforts to become established. An excellent example is Amazon.