Mantras & Quotes for Network Marketing by Ed Strada - HTML preview

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10. How Meditation Fits In

How Meditation Fits In


Mantra meditation is a powerful technique of doing meditation. It is a meditation that commonly used sound in order to open the mind and the heart. This mediation is a method of Devotion, a sacred practice and deeply spiritual to people who are practicing it. However, you don't have to be a religious person to be able to experience the gift of Mantra meditation.


Mantra meditation will push your mind to concentrate and focus completely on vibrations and sounds, thus clearing your thoughts, distractions, and emotions which in turn divert your energies. You learn to preserve and focus your emotional and mental energies, enabling you to create a direction and then focus in your actions.

You become aware about the simple facets of life, which leads to transformation of your attitude towards a noncompetitive and uncomplicated life.

This will create a balance in being active physically and capable of external actions as well as maintaining good condition of calmness internally and perpetual clarity.

Mantras can be anything you choose; they don't have to be a Sanskrit Mantras. They just have to be sounds of meaning to you, which you should repeat over and over again until they become one with your consciousness and clears your mind from your existence regular state.

These will elevate you in somewhat altered awareness, a state connections you with your own soul and the deeper levels of it, achieving universal consciousness. One of the most famous mantra that is being used is 'I am' in inhalation and 'at peace' in exhalation.

Other Mantras That Are Being Used During Mantra  Meditation

So Ham: A powerful and beautiful mantra, which honors both light and shadow, integrated the opposites: life & death, inhalation & exhalation, the yin and yang.

OM: It is a sound of universe, the vibration of the entire living things Sat Nam: Means truth

Om Namath Shivery: phoenix rising, transformation, and creation of change

That Tuan Sami: I am what I am

Ahom Brahmas: I am a creative force Om Name Bhagavate Vasudevaya: join with divine will: I surrender to Almighty

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti: Peace, peace, peace