Network Marketing: MLM Strategies for Success and Wealth Creation by Phillip Collinsworth - HTML preview

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Character To Proceed

“Boredom is the keynote of poverty…for where there is no money there is no change of any kind, not of scene or of routine.”


Moss Hart


Anyone can succeed in network marketing, but it’s not for everyone.

Network marketing is unique in that it affords people equal opportunities without nepotism and favoritism. In other words, network marketing will not restrict your growth because you are not related to the boss. However, as a purely merit based reward system, it can be a brutal way to make a living.

The question is: Do you have the character to proceed?

The inability to succeed in network marketing should not be seen as a personal insult. This business is not for the weak at heart, or the easily offended. From day one in this business, you will be bucking an ancient business culture and marketplace that does not understand multi-level marketing. This lack of understanding translates into fear and loathing. People will call you stupid, relatives will shake their heads, and friends will stop dropping by to visit. You’ll work countless hours for no pay, host parties where nobody shows up, spend long evenings in meetings and training sessions rather than at home, and spend your weekends calling prospects rather than fishing.

Do you have the character of a network marketer? Take a look at these questions and answer each one truthfully.

• Is this business for you?
• Do you want it bad enough to tolerate the negative aspects of the business described above?
• Can you see the future bright enough to believe that all the pain and sacrifice is worthwhile?
• Can you handle possibly being disowned by your family and friends?
• Are you willing to do whatever is morally and ethically necessary to succeed in this business?
• Are you willing to dedicate ten to fifteen hours per week of your time to make the business work?
• Are you willing to work the business for several months before seeing the first “real” commission check?
• Does your spouse agree that this is the right thing to do?

You may not be able to answer some of these questions due to your lack of experience in the business. But this is no different than any other line of work or business endeavor. You will never have perfect information at your fingertips for use in decision-making. At the moment, all you can do is proceed on your intuition and feeling for the opportunity. If you have faith in the people in your upline, and you can see people enjoying success in the business, then it may be for you. Have the character to proceed, but if you do, do it with everything you got. Give yourself the chance to succeed. Give network marketing a true and fair test.


What made you excited enough about MLM to become involved in the first place?


Have you lost sight of that initial enthusiasm?


If you are unhappy, what are the things making you unhappy?


Are they your fault?


What can you do today to restore your initial enthusiasm for your MLM opportunity?


Are there people in your downline that are suffering from discouragement? What can you do now to help them regain a driving interest to build a booming organization?