Network Marketing: MLM Strategies for Success and Wealth Creation by Phillip Collinsworth - HTML preview

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The Critical Four D’s

Anything in life worth having will not come easy. If it did, we would all be sitting around swimming pools sipping iced tea, waiting for an industrious invader to conquer us. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending upon how you look at it, the rewards in our capitalistic system must be earned through hard work, diligence, and an opportunity. You have the opportunity through your network marketing company and your upline. Now you must add an additional element: The Critical Four D’s.

Don’t despair if you are not the proud recipient of a huge inheritance, and don’t begrudge the silver spoon that others you know, may have been given. Build your own empire and set your children on that proverbial “easy street.” You can do it, starting today, if you will make desire, determination, dedication, and decision a part of your daily life.

Desire: I want to do this more than anything else. I live, breathe, and eat this opportunity.
Determination: No matter what the obstacles, no matter what the pitfalls, I will persist and prevail.
Dedication: I believe in my company, its product, and its opportunity. This is for me. This is something I am proud to be a part of.
Decisiveness: I have decided this is something I can do. I want to do it, and I will start right now to make it happen.

Time will not stand still, and the world is not going to wait for you to make up your mind. Given the knowledge you have this minute, are you willing to commit yourself to the Four D’s? If so, take action, now. Have the courage to forge a new trail in your life. Forget the mistakes of the past. Forget the disappointments of business deals gone sour. This is a new day, a new you, and a new opportunity.
Achieving success takes hard work. If it was easy, everyone would be successful, and it would be a perfect world. Sadly, God told us we would earn our bread from the sweat of our brow.

About 20 years ago I was working a full time job, helping my wife raise four children, and attending college four nights a week, plus an occasional weekend seminar. My goal at that time was to receive a college degree. I achieved that goal, and it took every ounce of desire, determination, dedication, decisiveness and I could muster.

A strong desire pushed me to register for classes each term, determination helped see me through the long hours of study and sitting on my backside in classes when my friends went camping, watched the local Saturday night car races, and earned extra money in part-time jobs. I was dedicated to the task because completing the goal of getting a degree was my highest priority, and the decision to attend school was one I made myself, and committed myself to.

Think about the things you have dreamed about doing, the goals you have worked hard to achieve, and the small successes that have pushed you towards your long-term goals in life. Can this same desire, determination, dedication, and decisiveness be applied to building an MLM business?

Put your desire to succeed in this business in writing. Write one sentence of commitment to yourself below:


How big of a commission check do you want to earn next month? Write the exact amount below:


What is the exact amount in sales you will have to make to achieve this commission check?