Selling Books on Amazon


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Published: 12 years ago

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Book Description HTML

Have you had enough workplace stress yet? Are you sick and tired of the rat race and ready to call the boss and tell him you are too well to come to work? How about a business that's so simple, you can operate it in just a few hours a week? You just found it! Today, you are going to learn how to set up and operate one of the most lucrative businesses imaginable. Larry Scott is going to take you by the hand and step by eye-opening step, teach you how to create your very own proven, cash generating business using the Amazon model. It's never been easier to get started in business, but does it work? You bet it does! And you're about ready to learn how to do it from an expert!

Reader Reviews
  • User image   Eric Stoneburner
    09 Oct 2015
    A classic, the story starts out slow and builds. it is written in the older style of its time so modern readers may have a harder time waiting for the story to progress.
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