The Guaranteed Ways to Join the $100,000 Heavy Hitters MLM Club by Lana Robinson - HTML preview

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Dirty Little Secrets Your Upline Is Not Telling You

00010.jpgLet me reveal to you the truths about the network marketing industry and why your upline isn’t telling you this.


People do not realize this truth until it is too late. Here’s my story:

I have been in the network marketing business for the past 5 years and for the past 5 years, I had joined 3 network marketing companies. For the 3 network marketing companies that I joined, I have never stayed in those companies for long.

The main reason why I quit those companies is because they keep changing their policies whenever they want to!
If a network marketing company decides that the company is not showing the growth they expected during a particular year, change the policies to suit their whims and fancies!

They even cut commissions and they do it under the guise of restructuring the compensation plan anyway they like just to fuel their growth.

Now, of course your respectable upline will NOT relate the truth as it is. Behind all the motivation and faith in the company’s strength, there will always be imperfections. Network marketing companies are run by human beings after all and human beings are not perfect. Even the best management teams are susceptible to greed and economic pressures.

The sad truth is that every time a company change their policy, it will definitely affect you badly no matter how badly your upline tries to cover it up (they call it – a new change in direction). The policy changes occur as a result of an economic problem, a changing environment, a new marketing direction or any policy that will keep the company afloat due to cash flow or expansion problems.

Do you know what happens after this? Most of these changes will only make it harder for you to recruit or market your product. I can attest to this as I have experienced it first hand!

You can have all the faith you want in your company or you can be the greatest presidential Diamond/Ambassador/Duke/(Insert your title here) but it amounts to nothing your company decides to restructure their business plan. And they will they will do it even they know that many marketers will lose their cars and houses in the process.

When this happens, many network marketers have find themselves deserting the companies they championed and sworn loyalty to the end. Not only that, but they leave their downlines behind too. The company will move on and start looking for new blood – to them; it is just good business sense (at the expense of the rep or the distributor).