The Guaranteed Ways to Join the $100,000 Heavy Hitters MLM Club by Lana Robinson - HTML preview

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3 Reasons Why Even Solid Networkers Quit Network Marketing

Here’s what happened in the last 3 companies that I joined in the past 5 years:

1. The company closed down
2. The company forced me to stop my marketing in a certain way as I was dominating the product line
3. Internal politics with my uplines and leaders

Because of these problems, I find that is really difficult to rely on network marketing as a viable long term business model.


Does that mean that I’m a hate network marketing? No way! I believe in the business, it’s just that you have to have a very different approach to it.


With any problem, there is always a solution to it. What I am going to show you will definitely work if you follow exactly what I have to say.


Network marketing is a very exciting business model where TRUE RESIDUAL INCOME can be created.


Check out the stuffs that my residual income paid for: 00011.jpg00012.jpg

My 4 Holidays per year with my love one.

00013.jpgNow I am not showing this to brag about my success.

What I want to show you is that residual income can be created through proper network marketing channel and that is - if you learn to generate leads and prospects on your own. When you begin generating leads by using list building techniques, you will be creating a database of solid leads that the company does not own. They are YOUR LEADS, not the company's.

In the last 3 network marketing companies that I joined, I had no problems generating thousands of dollars in commission checks within a short period of time because I have mastered the ability to generate and grow my own leads and prospects. When you are promoting your network marketing business, do NOT promote your business directly to your prospects. Because when you do that, you will lose control over your prospects. This is especially important if your network marketing company is based on the Internet.

You have to note that your company website does not belong to you and the leads you generated into your company do not belong to you as well. The same goes for the products and they do not belong to you. Anything that you use in the company does not belong to you AT ALL.

That is why you are actually killing your own business if you send your prospects straight to your company or your company’s website.


What I strongly suggest is that you learn to generate leads and keep your database of prospects to yourself.


Do not act surprised. The conglomerate of top leaders in the network marketing industry knows this like the back of their hands.


Gone are the days of building a Down-LINE, but people are building a DOWN-LIST!

This list of customers/prospects/subscribers are your gold mine and your greatest asset. They A list of loyal subscribers will continually purchase products from you over and over again – even if you move to 10 different companies!