The Guaranteed Ways to Join the $100,000 Heavy Hitters MLM Club by Lana Robinson - HTML preview

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How To Use Something You Use Everyday To Make Massive Money

People use this on a daily basis. Some people even use this on an HOURLY basis. Do you know what this is?


It is none other than your E-mail!

One of the best ways to market your network marketing business is by using emails but please don’t misunderstand - e-mail marketing is completely different from spamming. Spamming is unethical and I would NEVER condone it. There is a legal way for you to e-mail thousands of network marketing prospects at the same time even if they are total strangers.
Here are a couple of tips how you can write a good high converting e-mail:

- Pre-sell, don’t try and sell on the email itself. Your goal is to drive traffic to your squeeze pages so don’t make the mistake of writing your entire ‘sales letter’ in your email.

- Get personal. Don’t over-hype your e-mails because it turns people off. Try and write as though you are writing to a close personal friend of yours.

- Focus on a few benefits. When you e-mail your mailing list, just list a couple of benefits in point form. Remember, your goal is to pre-sell and when they get to your squeeze page, they will be in the right mindset.

- Introduce yourself as well. This is a good strategy at the beginning of the e-mail. Sometimes people tend to forget who you are so it is good to remind them by saying, “Hi <friend>, it’s <your name> here and I’ve just got news about this new product…” Remember, people tend to warm up to an e-mail if it is more personal (from your end).

- Use a catchy headline. People will most likely read your e-mail if you start off with a very catchy headline.