The Latte Millionaire and the Residual Income Lifestyle by Ron Taylor - HTML preview

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A Paradigm Shift

I began my research by reflecting on books I had read by authors like Robert Kiyosaki, David Bach, and Robert Allen.

I knew the best and fastest route to financial security was in owning a small business. But my mindset was not ready to accept that as a solution to my financial worries.

Because you see, I had seen the costs of failure in business, and I had also witnessed the high price small business owners pay in terms of hard work, sacrifice, and risks. At the time, I considered these costs too high, and I was unwilling to risk the remainder of my stock market portfolio on a small business.

But what I did not know at the time was that thousands of entrepreneurs around the world were earning six figure monthly incomes without the risk, without the long hours and sacrifice, and without having to make huge investments.

My old beliefs about money were still haunting me, and I continued to resist the paradigm shift from trading my time and effort for money (as in a job), to one of creating systems where money worked for me. Making money from home using what I later came to recognize as “automated income pipelines,” was simply beyond my current mindset.

But this limiting mindset was about to be shattered.

The first crack in my resolve to hang onto my money beliefs came when I read about a young man in Singapore named Ewen Chia. Ewen specializes in what is called “affiliate marketing,” and while I do not rely solely on affiliate marketing for my income, his story dramatically impacted my beliefs about how money is earned.

Working from his apartment in Singapore, Ewen created an information product he claimed could help people learn how to make money from home, using the Internet. As it turns out, Ewen’s product was well received, and he netted several million dollars in income over a 72 hour period. Could you imagine making more money in a single weekend than most people make in their entire lives?

In another example, I learned about a young man from Alaska named David Wood who moved to Hawaii to follow his dream. Following months of living out of his van and struggling to find money for food, David cracked the code in his home business and found a unique way to generate leads for his network marketing opportunity. He now lives in Costa Rica and makes a six figure income on autopilot.

Ewen and David’s stories are just two stories out of thousands that prove there is a viable alternative to the 50/50 life plan. As I read their stories, and began to find more just like them, I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. If Ewen and David could make money from home, on autopilot, then I could as well.

The final nail in the coffin of my outdated and misguided beliefs about how money is earned came when I read about Robert Allen’s money making demonstration during a live seminar.

Robert Allen is a recognized and respected author and wealth builder, so when I read his explanation of making money on autopilot, I knew it was real. During a live weekend seminar Robert demonstrated to his group how he makes money on autopilot. In front of his students, he sent an email to his email marketing list recommending an information product he had created. Within minutes, Robert received over $20,000 worth of orders.

I was convinced that automated money making systems were for real, and that making money did not require working 40 plus hours per week, or devoting my entire adult life to serving my boss’s dream.

Following this paradigm shift in my belief system about how money is earned, the only thing left for me to do was figure out how to make it happen for myself…
