The Latte Millionaire and the Residual Income Lifestyle by Ron Taylor - HTML preview

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Building a New Reality

I sipped my coffee and leaned back in my chair, stretching my feet towards the warm fire. Behind me, Maria and her co-worker stocked cabinets and cleaned up from the morning rush.

“Need a refill?” Maria shouted across the counter.

“I’m good,” I said and drifted back to 2010 when I first began to apply my new belief system about how wealth is created in this new economy.

Following Robert Allen’s advice, I began to look for ways to create multiple sources of income. Along the way, I wrote and published a handful of short ebooks, created a blog that generates a small but steady source of monthly residuals from affiliate type sales, and joined an opportunity that continues to grow and provide an ongoing source of automated income.

Thanks to that fateful day in the fall of 2008, I no longer depend upon a job for my living, and I no longer put my trust in the stock market. Sure, I have money in the stock market, and I still own my house, but I will never again rely upon systems outside my control for my financial future.

But the most amazing thing of all is that everything I do is

simple. It’s right there for the taking, and anybody with a dream and the gumption to take action can generate automated sources of income, and free themselves from financial worries.

In the beginning of my journey towards financial freedom, I tested the waters and simply wanted to make a few hundred dollars per month to help with the bills around the house. As my confidence grew, and my new belief system kicked into high gear, I expanded my dream to earning enough from my automated income sources to replace my job income.

From there, the sky has become the limit.

I stood, stretched my legs, and pushed the chair under the table.

“Will I see you tomorrow?” Maria asked as she sprayed window cleaner on the glass display case for scones and muffins.

“No. I’m going to Vegas for a few days to attend a convention,” I said. “I’ll see you Thursday or Friday.”

I placed my coffee cup into the dish bin, waved goodbye to Maria, and then turned and reached into my shirt pocket to retrieve a business card. I placed the business card on top the glass display case and simply said, “When you’re ready, Maria.”

What happened next was up to Maria. And if she ever calls, I’ll tell her about the 3 steps to success…
