The Network Marketer's Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint by Vincent Czaplyski - HTML preview

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They"re stuck with this old school “we"ve always done it this way” mentality even while much better ways have sprung up all around them.


After all that"s just the way it is, right?

It doesn "t seem to matter that this approach probably makes you really uncomfortable. or that you already know that most of your friends and family will not be even slightly interested in your business.

Or that it puts you at a classic disadvantage from a negotiating perspective with those prospects whose attention you do manage to grab somehow.

Or that it is extremely limiting in terms of finding new prospects once your original prospect list begins to peter out and run dry. (You better hope you"ve signed up someone, since you"re going to need their prospect list if you hope to grow your business.)

So despite all these misgivings you dutifully start calling the prospects on your master list and suggest mysteriously that you have something they really need to know about.

You meet them at Starbucks or invite them to a home meeting and cleverly reveal your golden opportunity, only to be met in most cases with restrained, polite interest (if you"re lucky) and a promise to get back to you that never quite seems to materialize.

But that "s OK, it"s a numbers game after all, (isn"t that what your upline said?) And anyway, you have another 47 names on your prospect list, and that"s not even counting your cousin Bo"s third ex-wife in Arkansas.

Well yes, in the “good old days” that was certainly OK because most people didn"t have a better way to find prospects.

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But now you do, and it"s called the Internet.