The Network Marketer's Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint by Vincent Czaplyski - HTML preview

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The MLM Game Changer

Once you understand how to tap into its power you can have all the fresh prospects you"ll ever need to build a great MLM business coming to you every day, willingly seeking out you and your advice.

And that will completely change the dynamics of your business.


Note that this doesn"t replace the need for you to create relationships with your team. After all this is still “network” marketing.


What it does is give you a whole lot more choice about who you ultimately create those relationships with.


Using Internet marketing techniques you can actually attract streams of interested prospects who come to you already wanting to learn about your business.

This is MUCH better than constantly trying to break down walls of resistance between you and the people you “happen to know” who have NO interest in your business whatsoever.

Think about it...why try to force demand where it doesn"t exist, when it"s much easier to simply satisfy a pre-existing demand?

Plus using online “funnels” (a VERY big deal for your business, more on this later) you can automatically weed out a lot of the tire kickers and deadbeats with a “lottery mentality” who would otherwise be wasting your time and energy.

The good news is once you master some basics you "ll never need to call your cousin Bo"s third ex-wife in Arkansas to tell her about your business unless you really, really want to. (But since it"s been 15 years since you last spoke I"m guessing you probably don"t.)

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