The Network Marketer's Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint by Vincent Czaplyski - HTML preview

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How you position yourself is key to your success online.


To be seen as a leader, your followers must first decide they know, like and trust you, and that you offer them something of value.


Once you"ve established this relationship with your followers they will naturally want more of YOU, since they will continue to view you as being able to help them.


This is what attracted them to you in the first place.


And this is not the same as them wanting to join your network marketing company.

Therefore your online business should be based upon YOU as the main “product offering” and your network marketing business then actually becomes just a subset of products and services YOU offer.

Primarily your followers will want to “consume” you, or more correctly the advice and guidance you give them that can help them solve their biggest problems.


Again your followers will initially be attracted to you because they believe consciously or subconsciously that you can help them accomplish that transformation.


Without this belief they will not follow you or later seriously consider joining your opportunity.

It "s important to understand too that in most cases they WILL NOT immediately want to join your MLM business opportunity. That is completely secondary and merely a waypoint in their transformation that they may or may not decide is the right fit for them at some point.

Before they get to that decision point they first need and want to believe that you are the real deal. They want to feel you are authentic, someone whose expertise and judgement they trust before they will be open to hearing about your MLM company.

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