The Network Marketer's Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint by Vincent Czaplyski - HTML preview

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And the good news is that you absolutely can learn how to do this. There are many different ways to grow your list and you merely need to do a few of them on a consistent basis and your list will grow. Do many of them and your list will grow quickly.

Your list can literally be worth a fortune to you. It can represent a lifetime asset that pays you back many times over for the effort you put into its creation.

Most network marketers will only pay lip service to this idea, if at all. They "ll be content to purchase “hot” leads that convert badly if at all, and figure they"ll build their business through brute force.

But taking the time to learn how to build your list is the best way possible for you to free yourself from ever wondering again where to find highly qualified leads, in most cases at little or no cost.

If you choose to do nothing else but get good at list building you"ll be far, far ahead of the 98% of other network marketers out there who don"t bother to act on this advice.


Treat Your List With Respect


A list of 50,000 names will do you little good if the people on it feel you don"t respect them.

If you only write to ask for money and never take the time to understand the needs and concerns of your followers, you will eventually wear them down and they will forget why they ever joined your list in the first place. Then they will leave and never come back.

On the other hand a much smaller list can make you rich if you treat it respectfully. Provide your followers over and over again with reasons for sticking with you, in the form of helpful advice and valuable content that helps them advance.

Never lose sight of the fact that only by helping them succeed will you succeed in a big way.

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