The Network Marketer's Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint by Vincent Czaplyski - HTML preview

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It"s important for you to understand that you will be marketing a number of different products and services, including:


! Your main MLM opportunity
! Affiliate products of interest to your market
! Your own products and services (if you have any)
A#liate Product Sales Can Skyrocket Your MLM Business Growth


The affiliate products you market can generate significant amounts of income all by themselves.


I"m jumping ahead here but I want to give you a HUGE tip to remember if you want to really supercharge your network marketing business...

And that is, you can use some or all of the income you generate through affiliate product sales to drive paid traffic to an irresistible “funnel” that automatically promotes your main MLM business online.

And that"s how to literally explode your network marketing business.

This is a key point and worth remembering. Your affiliate sales can actually completely pay for the cost of driving a continuous and virtually unlimited numbers of prospects to your automatic MLM opportunity funnel. Once you “prime the pump” this limitless supply of leads will just keep arriving, at no real cost to you.

(I promise that shortly I "ll tell you where you can find these magical funnels and how you can put one to work for you. But first we have a few more “big picture” concepts to cover.)

Why You Should Build a Business Centered Around You

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