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Net Marketng Strategy #5: Conversion Strategy (on website- and optmizaton, Scarcity and Selling Tactcs)

In this secton we are going to cover the mechanics of conversion. Specifcally what elements makes the ofer convert like clockwork, and how we can use them in our marketng to increase conversions and also making our customers delighted.

Conversion is a key aspect of marketng as a great conversion optmizaton system could bring you up to 10 tmes more proft than the average industry conversion rate of 1%.

To be able to test, understand and to know the mechanics of conversion is vital as you would be able to be so much more efectve and making so much more commission with the same amount of trafc!

In the next subchapters below, we will systematcally dissect components in your marketng message that has the potental to increase your conversions dramatcally.


00018.jpgI covered this topic in my blog post recently, but let me just get to it here.

Instead of sending out promotonal email afer promotonal email with litle content but my afliate link, I decided to approach my business in a diferent way. A way that frst and foremost is based on giving away VALUE, then cultvatng a TRUST based relatonship as an advisor to my readers, subscribers and customers.

In my emails, in various niches that I’m operatng in, I decided that in my communicatons and marketng materials that I would provide solutons for my leads and customers frst.

Then afer I gained their trust as an expert, and advisor, and someone who will work for their beneft and be on their side, then I would recommend products to them that I personally think are of High Value and that provides solutons to their problems and frustratons.

I will illustrate it simply like this. Doctors charge a fee for consultaton with their clients. Then they recommend products or services for their clients to consume for their clients BENEFIT. They work on the best interest of their clients regardless of the profts they will be getng. And they work ethically for the utmost Health and Safety of their clients/patents.

See where I’m coming from? This mindset SHIFT is exactly what most marketers need in an age where people are growing more and more wary about scams.

By Employing the Model of Consultatve Recommendaton, you would be able to enjoy a much more proftable and benefcial relatonship with your customers and leads, and will be able to move them along your Sales Funnel much easier, as they trust and consult with you more and more.


Does what you write really resonate deep within your prospects heart and mind, does it penetrate into the depths of their fears, pain and grief? Does it give the boost of motvaton they need, or does it reenergize them to further success?

Does it engage them every step of the way, to entce them line-by-line, to want to devour the content that you have delivered to them?

If the stuf that you write is stuf that don’t mater to your crowd, how else would you expect them to read your whole copy, let alone take acton in the form of clicking to the sales page or adding their name into the squeeze page?


One thing I hate about marketng is the decepton that is rampant out there despite the tghtening of the FTC rules. Its one thing to really enjoy the benefts of the product and report the great result you experience, but it’s a whole other issue making up a persona that claims to have achieved X amount of success afer using the products, together with all the false testmonials and fake comments on the blogs.

What I’m reiteratng is that it’s downright unethical to present those kinds of marketng for unsuspectng customers. And as I said previously, the Internet populaton is getng savvier, and it won’t be long before they could easily detect scams and deceptve marketng.
If you really could not sample the product, at least give real reviews and testmonials, plus research on the product independently to come up with a conclusion that’s not biased.

Here are some tps to write Honest Reviews that converts:
1. Research about the product, look for both good and bad
2. Try it for yourself if that’s possible
3. Cover the benefts and the downsides of the product as its much more believable
4. Say who the product is for, and who shouldn’t buy the product
5. Give great informaton on the facts and benefts of the product
6. Discuss about the source, is the manufacturer reliable?


Remember, in all of your marketng, always strive to put your customers interests ahead of your own. Keep brainstorming on how to make your customers more successful, and then only will you be successful.

On the side note, when you employ this mentality in your business, your customers can feel it and for that they will trust you, your business and your ofers much more than the other marketers who operate diferently.

CONVERSION TACTICS: These were roughly covered in the previous chapter

on Hardsell Tactcs, and it works as a charm for conversion, so I will go into a litle bit more detail here behind the psychology of these tactcs.

OFFER BONUSES- Bonuses tps the Value to Price Propositon TO YOUR FAVOR.

Psychologically, it makes your prospects feel that they are receiving so much in return


00019.jpgfor the amount that they had spent with you.


Bonuses that are unique to you and that flls the gaping hole in the product that you are recommending are the bonuses that you ought to ofer.


Also, make sure the perceived value of your bonuses outperforms others’ bonuses in your market to gain a compettve edge.

SCARCITY- When the product that you’re recommending is scarce, there is a fear

00020.jpgof missing out. Psychologically, your prospects would feel that they would have to take acton quickly before the ofer sells out or before the valuable bonuses runs out. 00021.jpg

URGENCY AND DEADLINES- Urgency and deadlines operate in tandem with

scarcity, and generates a fear of missing out, the pain or not having a product that can change their lives because they were too slow to grab it.


Psychologically, your prospects will feel rushed of their feet to purchase your unbelievable ofer that is going to be taken down very soon.



SOCIAL PROOF- The general populaton needs social proof. People are skeptcal

by nature. They prefer other people to validate what they are about to purchase. Psychologically, your prospects will feel that the ofer is a much less risky one when there is proof of its success and results with other people and with the author themselves.
The more testmonials that you present, the beter conversions you can achieve.


GUARANTEE- This can be a very important tpping point as this efectvely

reverses the risk from your customer to you. Customers love no risk ofers as they are able to try it for themselves, just to evaluate whether it works or not. Plus with a guarantee, psychologically your prospects will feel that since you are BOLD enough to guarantee your product, then it should be good.