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Net Marketng Strategy #6: Afliate Marketng Strategy (ways to proft from other people's products)

Afliate marketng is a great way to break into the Internet marketng game. In fact, it requires much less work than being a product marketer. Surely, the potental gains are defnitely smaller than those of the product owner model, however there are no customer support, sales copy and afliate management to worry about.

To do well as an afliate marketer, you would need to do a few things right and that could stand you to eventually become a super afliate.

Here are some of the essental skills that an afliate marketer should master:
1. The ability to drive trafc to your site.
2. The skill to build a trust based relatonship with your list
3. Skills to convert leads into buyers
4. Skill to improve the afliate marketng processes

Below we will dig deeper into some of the other factors that you might need to pay atenton and work on, in order to be a beter afliate marketer.


There are a myriad of ways by which you could market to your crowd, using twiter, Facebook, Youtube, review pages and other ways but the one that produces the best result is the use of efectve email marketng.

Using email marketng, you could efectvely presell your way to afliate marketng wealth. Much has been said about email marketng already, so if you refer to the previous chapter, you could use the same techniques to turbocharge your afliate marketng results.

One tp though, when you are promotng afliate products, give your full endorsement to the products that you are ofering to your list. Seeing that concrete endorsement, the trust that your list has with you will automatcally transfer to the afliate products that you are recommending.


It’s defnitely worth mentoning again and again that you should really promote the products that you know about, and that you know works for your customers. The reason is simple and the advantages are many.

The most important result from doing this is that your customers will trust you more and more when you’re recommending a product, and your reputaton will be enhanced in the process.

When you recommend products that are useful, relevant and valuable, then your customers will know that you are promotng the product so that they will fully beneft and from that your reward would be your afliate commissions, so everybody wins.

Also, when you take the tme to organize a great deal with the product owners for the beneft of your customers, they will also be more likely to take the ofer and not go somewhere else as you provided them with the best ofers.


As discussed in the previous chapters on ways to presell and generate reviews that convert, preselling tactcs can defnitely increase your conversions when promotng an afliate ofer.


Much has been said about ofering great bonuses as part of the bribe to get more afliate sales. Refer to the previous secton for more details.


Though Broadcasts from your email promotng the latest product launches can be very lucratve, your autoresponder sequence is very important as the backbone of your marketng eforts.

Its prety simple to get that going, but make sure that you add at least 3 months worth of follow up emails in order to have constant communicaton with your list, and giving consistent value and informaton that will keep them engaged to your message and marketng.



In recent tmes selling through webinars has become more commonplace. In fact, it’s a rather efectve way of selling and promotng afliate products.

Getng your customers and list to atend a seminar prequalifes them, to demonstrate that they are interested to learn more of the subject that’s been discussed and possibly the related product on ofer.

Plus webinars are such content and informaton based form of marketng that your customers will stll receive value and great actonable informaton that even if they didn’t buy in the webinars, they will be happy to have atended, and this increases your business goodwill.

Ways to utlize webinars efectvely:

1. Write a long informatonal email whilst selling the benefts of your free webinar.
2. Could entce subscribers that by atending the webinar and staying tll the end, they would be eligible to receive a great prize.
3. Arrange special scarcity based bonuses that could encourage more acton takers during the webinar, to purchase through your link.
4. Deliver 80% content and 20% selling in your webinar.
5. Send a reminder a day before the webinar and 2 hours before the start.
6. Make sure that the product creator is presentng at your webinar, fully prepared.