Baby Showers Revealed by Bradley Cadlen - HTML preview

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Okay. You’ve figured out when to hold the shower, who to

invite, and whether or not to use a gift registry. So that’s all there is to it, right? Hardly!

Actually, you’ve done quite a bit of work (applaud yourself!).

But there’s still more work to do. Now you’re really into the

zone, and it’s time to figure out what you’re going to do at

the shower.

Now, this may seem like a strange section. After all, people

will show up at the shower, they’ll hug, smile, laugh, cry

(joyfully, of course), and have a good time. That part is

taken care of. Yet there’s more to it than this.

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In addition to the natural events that are going to occur at

the baby shower, you want to continue managing during the shower. In other words, you want to have things for your

invitees to do, and for them to drink/eat.

Let’s look at each of these important aspects below.

Things to Do: Themes

In case you haven’t been a baby shower lately, here’s some

useful information for you: themes are in!

This means that more and more people are opting to create

a certain style, or theme, of baby shower. Do you

remember those high school dances that were built around a

theme? Like oldies theme, or rock & roll theme, or

something else? And the decorations and so forth all

reflected the chosen theme? Well, that’s the same deal here

with thematic baby showers.

Now, the sky truly is the limit on what theme you’d like to

use. Really: anything that you can imagine, provided that

it’s realistic and within your budget, is fine.

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To create a theme, simply have the following items reflect

what you’ve chosen:

the invitations should themselves reflect the

chosen theme (e.g. Alice in Wonderland)

the baby shower room should be decorated with

items reflecting the theme (e.g. colors, posters,

props such as stuffed animals or balloons)

the refreshments and food (discussed further in

this book) should reflect the theme.

Now, just in case you want to get your creative juices

flowing, some suggested themes are provided to you below.

They’re all from the website, and from real people who held successful baby showers (just like

yours will be!).

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Theme: A Tea Party

Do you remember playing tea party when you were a child?

You’d get together with your little friends, or perhaps your

stuffed animals (who were alive, of course), and together

you sat down and enjoyed a pleasant and lighthearted chat

over a cup of tea.

Back then, it’s possible that your tea was, well, of the

invisible variety. After all, you weren’t allowed to have boiling water in your pot; you might burn yourself! Now,

however, you’re all grown up and can enjoy the visible

variety of tea (it tastes a little different).

To enjoy this theme, simply re-create that vision of when

you were young. Invite all of your stuffed animals (who are

still alive, of course), and have them sit in chairs around the area where the baby shower is being held (probably the

living room or perhaps a finished basement).

This theme is sure to bring back a lot of warm memories for

all of your guests; because most of us did play at tea a few times. To that end, you can invite each guest to bring a

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stuffed animal who can attend the festivities (and they can

even leave the stuffed animal behind as a little bonus gift for

the baby!).

Theme: Celebrity

Really: who wouldn’t like feeling like a celebrity every now

and then? Imagine, having people around you bustling to

get your autograph, or to take a picture of you for those

glamour magazines…ah, what a life.

The celebrity here, however, isn’t going to be you (sorry), or

even the mother-to-be. It’s going to be her baby! So this

theme calls for decorations that are worthy of a star –

perhaps even a big Hollywood sign out on the lawn, or in the

front hallway.

And the invitations, too, can be publicity releases instead of

traditional invitations, announcing the coming out of

Hollywood’s next rising star.

And, of course, don’t forget the cake! Instead of a regular

cake, you can have one shaped like a star – like on the

Hollywood Walk of Fame! All of these little elements help

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add humor and energy to the baby shower, and further

ensure that it’s a memorable experience for everyone,

especially the mother-to-be.

Theme: Literary Baby

It doesn’t matter what kind of childhood we had, or how

often we found ourselves curled up reading that very first

book that made such a positive impression on our growing

imaginations. It could have been a Dr. Seuss book, or

perhaps something a bit later, such as your first Nancy Drew


Regardless, a literary theme baby shower calls for each

guest to bring (in addition to their gift) a special book from their childhood; something that inspired them and, indeed,

continues to hold a fond place in their heart after all of these


Though it’ll be a number of years before the baby learns to

read any of the books, they will serve as a wonderful library

that the child can grow into; especially since each book has

been chosen with such great care and affection.

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Of additional value, having a literary theme is a fantastic ice breaker. It gives everyone a chance to share why the book was so special to them.

Chances are, there will be a lot of nodding, and smiling, and

maybe even a few tears, too (the good kind, of course!).

Things to Do: Games

Baby showers are ideal places to play games. They not only help break the ice and get people laughing, but since baby

showers are about having fun: what’s more fun than a good

game? It’s better than working, right!

There are several games that you can play, ranging from old

standards like charades, to more modern ideas like trivia

games. A trip to your local toy store will fill you with several ideas of what could work.

However, you may feel like creating a game that has a kind

of special baby shower feel to it; something that is

entertaining and mildly competitive, but ties into the fact

that it’s being played at a baby shower.

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So in light of that, here are some great baby shower-specific

games that come to us from

( You can alter these games in any way that you wish to

specifically suit your theme.

Game: The Winning Plate

This neat little game involves what most people love in life:

food! Simply put a picture of a baby beneath one of the

plates that will be handed out to guests as they eat. Don’t

tell anyone that the picture is there; just let them eat.

When the eating part of the event is coming to a close, tell

your guests to peek under their plate, and give the lucky

guest who has the picture a prize!

Game: The Price is Right

People seem to love this game, because it’s based on what many feel is the best game show of all time: The Price is


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Simply purchase a number of baby items, such as diapers,

baby food, a pacifier, or anything that can be found in an

ordinary neighborhood grocery store. Then, have the guests

bid on how much they think everything cost. Reward each

winning bidder with a prize; or offer them points, and then

total up the points at the end. The winner of the overall

game can then win a prize.

Game: That… Was ME?

This is a tremendously enjoyable game! Invite each guest

to bring a baby picture of themselves. Collect each picture, and then put them on a giant board. During the baby

shower, allow guests to go up and browse the big board of


Provide each guest with a piece of paper and a pen/pencil,

and have them write down the names of who they think

each picture is (put a number beside each picture so that

they can be referenced).

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At the end of the game, reveal the answers and see who has

the best eye! This game is not only slightly competitive, but

it also always leads to a lot of laughs and ohhhh you were so cuuuuuuute’s!


Author Randy Wilson (

Shower-Food-Items&id=42045) has put together a wonderful article on the importance of food at the baby

shower. He also delivers some fantastic advice on what to

choose; and what not to choose.

The first thing that Wilson wisely notes is that a full course

meal really isn’t typical for a baby shower. Rather, finger-

foods, appetizers, and munchies like chips and crackers are

more common. A cake is also rather common, as are other

deserts, such as ice creams and pies. If you’re going to

splurge on any of the items, then going a bit extra on the

deserts is usually considered the more acceptable approach.

After all, who doesn’t love cake?

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Also, as noted above, the foods in the baby shower can tie

into the theme. If the theme is celebrity, for example, then the sandwiches can be in the shape of little stars. The foods

don’t have to reflect the theme; which means that you

should feel bad, or like a failure, if you can’t find a way to

make little star-shaped sandwiches (it really is an art form!).

However, if you can tie everything together, it will make

your baby shower that much more memorable an event for

the guests, and the parents-to-be.

Having a wide selection is also important; and we discuss

this in some detail in the “Insider’s Tips” section of this

book. Suffice it to say, try and have enough variety to

account for tastes and dietary preferences. Nowadays, the wise approach is often to allow guests to do a little bit of

preparing themselves.

For example, instead of putting the salad dressing in the

salad, or putting condiments such as mayonnaise on the

finger sandwiches, you can leave these for your guests to

add themselves, if they so choose.

The same goes for deserts. While it’s wonderful to have rich

cake and tasty pies available, it’s always nice to offer fruit as an alternative. Some people may not want to (or may not

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be allowed to!) consume that many calories, or enjoy that

much sugar.


Ah yes. What would a how-to book be without insider’s tips?

These are the tried, tested, and sometimes regrettable

details that you really need to know in order to create,

management, and complete a perfect baby shower.

You’ll likely find some of these to be common-sense; though

a few may surprise you. It’s these strange ones that are the

most important to you, because heeding the advice – to do

or not to do them – can be the difference between making

your baby shower memorable for the right reasons, or for

the wrong ones. These are all from the great website

As you plan and roll-out more baby showers (because you’ll

be so good at this one people will want to consult your

services!), your list of dos and dont’s will increase. Keep a

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journal handy to jot these insights and experienced down as

you go.

Things to Do: Plan

It goes without saying (but let’s say it anyway, since we’re

all here together!). PLEASE PLAN AHEAD!

You may be one of those very talented people who tend to

do things without a lot of planning; you just have a flair for pulling things off, and often, for pulling them out just in the nick of time. If this sounds like you, then you should really

heed these sage word: PLEASE PLAN AHEAD!

The thing about a baby shower is that there are a lot of

variables that come together to determine whether it

succeeds or doesn’t succeed. As you know from reading the

first section in this book, everything from choosing the time

of year for the shower, to the amount of time to “RSVP” the

invitations, are elements that can influence the shower. Or to put things more frankly: if something is wrong in any of these elements, then they will almost certainly negatively

influence the overall baby shower experience.

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So how do you deal with this? Simply by planning ahead.

Have a plan – write it out! – and see what you have to do,

and in what timeframe. If you need help, then talk to the

mother-to-be and recruit some deputies. If you need

assistance making a decision – such as who to invite – then

get the help that you need. By planning, you’re able to see what you need to do, and therefore, you can go ahead and

do it.

On the flipside, when you don’t plan, you are almost

certainly going to overlook a detail or two. At the time, they

may seem minor (“do I really need to follow-up with people who haven’t RSVP’d the invitation?”).

Yet once the shower actually happens, it’s kind of like racing

a car in the Indy 500: if there are flaws, they will be

exposed. So don’t let your little details come back to bite you, or any of the other guests (including the mother-to-be).

If you aren’t a good planner, then here’s your opportunity to

become one. It’s not that hard at all; it just requires a little effort (that goes a long way!).

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Things to Do: Decorate

One of the most memorable things about the baby shower

will be the decorations. They might seem like yet another

minor detail in a sea of details, but they will be something

that people notice, appreciate, and indeed, remember.

You don’t have to go overboard on the decorations, and you

don’t have to spend a lot of money. In fact, the biggest investment here will probably be your time. Simply choose

the decorations that reflect the theme that you’ve chosen.

You may want to consult the mother-to-be on the


For example, if the mother-to-be is deathly afraid of spiders,

a Charlotte’s Web theme with giant spider decorations

probably isn’t the wisest decision to make.

Things to Do: Cater Accordingly

Perhaps more than ever before, people are very serious

about what they eat; and what they don’t. In the past, it

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was somewhat safe to make catering decisions based on

religious or cultural understanding.

For instance, many Catholics don’t eat red meat on Friday.

As such, if the guest list included people who you knew

followed this practice, you would simply include non red-

meat alternatives, such as seafood. Or if your guests were

Jewish, you wouldn’t serve pork.

While these cultural catering rules still certainly apply, more

people these days are choosing to eat based on lifestyle

choices, not just religious or spiritual ones. Many people, for

example, don’t eat foods that contain trans-fats. Or many

people don’t eat foods that are high in carbohydrates, or

proteins (it’s hard to tell which one is good these days, and

which one is bad!). There are also many more practicing

vegetarians in the western world right now; and that, too,

can be a little confusing. Some people who describe

themselves as vegetarians will eat fish. Some will drink

milk. Some won’t eat cheese or honey.

For fun, log onto the website of any international airline, like

American Airways or Delta, for example. And within their

site, just check out the in-flight hospitality section to see the different kinds of meals that are available. You’ll be

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amazed at how many different categories of food there are.

You’ll find everything from low-calorie to lacto-vegetarian, to

low-carbohydrate to low-sodium, and even more.

Now, don’t worry: you don’t have to serve dozens of kinds of food! The idea here is simply to be aware that in the world

today, people are much more informed about what they’ll

eat; and what they won’t.

So when you make your catering decisions, try and think

outside of the box a little. This means, see if any choices that you’re making could limit your guests’ enjoyment of a

particular food. For example, if you’re ordering little finger

sandwiches, it may be wise to have cold cuts on a separate

plate that people can pick and choose from at their

discretion. Those who don’t want cold cuts (for any reason,

including taste preference) can simply not pick them up.

Also consider the types of foods that you offer. If your guest list is going to be predominantly filled with senior

citizens, foods like celery – which are murder on dentures! –

isn’t a good idea.

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Before we go onto the next do, please take a moment to

consider whether you’ll have alcohol at the baby shower.

Now, this book is not a legal guide and nothing within it,

naturally, should be seen as legal advice. However,

according to media reports, there have been some cases

where people at parties consumed too much alcohol and, as

a result, injured themselves and other people. This is tragic

enough, but to add even more unhappiness, the party hosts

were also seen as partly liable.

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