Dad's Letters by EKEKERE SAMUEL UFOT - HTML preview

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Dear Dad,

Every dad wants their ward to develop qualities of being trustworthy. Most fail to realize that their  wards look up to them for that quality. As much as you want to trust me, you must build the trust first.

Trust is not built in a day; it takes years of training to develop this quality. It requires a great combination of many qualities such as humility, love, patience, goodness etc. It requires continuity and consistency. To have my trust, you must show qualities that will endear me to you; qualities that will make me associate with and share my deepest feelings with you.

Dad, my trust is built first by love. I easily trust persons I love. Love is the greatest dad. When I love you dad, I will be endeared to you. Love sparks the trust you want to have in me. The question you should ask is how much do you love me?

Dad, I require a certain degree of love to cause an association with you. You as dad are the owner and builder of this cord of love and when you use the cord right, you are sure to get the right results.

Many dads make the mistake of thinking they have to be overtly strict with their wards. Yes, being strict has its own results but it has to be managed so that it is not abused. You have to be strict when you have to but not for every reason and time.

There have to be strong line division between when you have to be strict and when you have to be jovial. Being overly strict could have a negative effect on me. The strain this could decrease the trust.

Trust is also an offspring of humility. You may ask to whom I should show humility. You should show me humility and respect. When you show me humility and respect, you show you are being manly. Trust and respect goes hand in hand. I trust those I respect and I would love to let you know I respect and trust you. The humility you want me to show begins with you showing me how much humility you have inside of you.

Some of the greatest qualities are summarized in trust. Trust builds positive interactions between you and me. You need realize that I am a fast learner and it may surprise you how much I know when we interact. I know when you are lying and though I may not tell you straight at your face, I live with the wounds of having had my dad lie to me.

Trust increases thirst and longing for the person who is trusted. I realize this fact and I know that to increase your longing to see me, I have to build that trust but I also want you to know that trust is a two way deal. You trust as dad and I trust as your child. I am taking my time to watch and study you while you may not be noticing.

Being a dad is a huge and challenging task. I tend to know more with age and my expectations increase. I am looking at you and asking, „'can I still trust dad?'.I want reassurance that I can continue to trust you, as I grow older. I also want to assure you of my trust too. Trust to me dad means;

  • T – Thirsting and questing for great accomplishment with you by my side.
  • R – Resting on your shoulders when the storms rage.
  • U – Understanding that you desire my best and I want your understanding.
  • S – Sharing your good as well as difficult moments together.
  • T – Taking a pledge to stand by each other no matter how rough the future would go.

Dad, trust is a big bridge and the lesser the trust, the weaker the bridge. The many broken bridges in many families are a result of the lack of this minuet but powerful quality. You need to build a strong bridge in our family. Yeah dad, do ensure that trust exist between you and me.

With love

Your son