Dad's Letters by EKEKERE SAMUEL UFOT - HTML preview

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Dear Dad,

There is nothing as reassuring to me as knowing that you believe I am the best. It stimulates me greatly to know that I can enjoy such accolades. It is like grease further empowering me to achieve more. Children are very competitive. I look up to you to hear the encouraging statements you make about my efforts. It could give me the edge I need to rise above my pairs.

My efforts may not be acclaimed, but before you, it has to be. I, draw inspiration from you dad. It is your absolute responsibility to ensure that you bring me first above others. Your words should uplift rather than bring me down. You have to encourage me. That is your duty.

Tell me how ahead of the pack I am even if others think I am not. Whisper to my ears and let me know the ill others think about me is irrelevant compared to what you think of me. Let me know your thoughts take precedence over what teachers or friends in school and work think. Tell me this every time; give me the courage to challenge odds. I will always find your words an encouragement.

Many dads underestimate their ward's ability. They even make remarks that kill the ego of their wards. The truth is kids easily take in what their dads say hook line, sinker. Negative words thus limit the child to positions of perpetual underachievers. Dads have been responsible for many crushed talents as much as they have taken the front burner in pushing their wards into uncommon success.

I am counting on you. The best you want me to be is not automatic. It takes you building in me, the belief to get going knowing that I am the best even in a crowd of champions. It is your place to teach me how to stand out in the crowd, how to poke my head and dare even when I am not getting it right. I want to hear you whisper; „'go on child, you are the best''.

Dads have enormous influence on their wards and one of such influence is the motivation I can derive. You have garnered enormous experience overtime. This experience is what I need. I would love moments when this experience is shared to me. I would also love to know the lessons learnt as well as how you managed to get over the storms you faced. I need these lessons; you have the absolute storyline and the greatest motivation, second only to God. Who else would love to listen to them? Me.

Dad, every child thinks he/she is the best, which was how God made us. The problem has been that as we find our way into life, factorial differences tend to affect how we think and see ourselves. The immediate family from which we come from plays an immense role in ensuring this big success story. Many times though, the stories are killed by negligence on the part of dads.

Dad, you are very much influence over me. The best you want to see in me is you working at it, doing all the best you can and should. I want to hear you whisper 'you are the best' always. As often as you do this, it sinks deep down into my brain system. Before long, you will not have to say it so often because would have become a mentality because dad always says „'I am the best''.

You could also always shout at the top of your voice dad, and say; 'CHILD, YOU ARE THE BEST!!!'

Great dads believe in their wards, they do know that the next generation after them is their wards and that they would be making a lot of impact if they can influence their wards positively. Help me believe in the person I am and in how much I am worth.

Life is not always going to be sweet all the way dad, there will be moments of dare failure. It is at this moment I want to look up to you, and see you smile and say continue, “Fight on kid, you sure know you are always the best at what you do''.

With love

your son