Mom Knows by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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Moms are always joyful. Joy is one-attribute moms have that they pass down to their wards or kids. She desires always to see you joyful; she therefore has to teach you the secret of being joyful. However, the situation of life, mom realizes that she has to carry a joyful mental picture always. It is her responsibility. Every mom may have different natural attributes based on their experiences as well as genetic makeup but one characteristic they commonly have is a joyful heart towards their kids.

The secret of your mom’s joy is you. Anita Baker explains of her feeling as a mother, “completeness? Happiness? These words do not come close to describing my emotions. There’s truly nothing I can say to capture what motherhood means to me given my medical history.”You are the tingling that makes your mom smile. Her delight is seeing you rise to the best. She appreciates the fact that you are heading somewhere remarkable and what will make her happy is when you are happy.

Mom knows joyful people are often great people. As the mother of a great personality, she wants you to exhibit this attribute too. She has to have this attribute herself because she knows you are looking up to her for that virtue.

Fewell Sims notes," if mama isn’t happy, ain’t nobody happy." Your success is her joy. Mom wants to know she is doing enough to see you ride in champions and Greatness County. As you strive towards that future, she wants to be happy about your every storm you have waded through, every failure you have made success, every down time you have turned up.

When you are joyful, it gives mom so much joy too. Mom wants you to know this too. She wants you to live in joy continuously throughout your life sphere. And you know what? She admires your joyfulness. Mom wants to know you can face the challenges of life and still carry a bold smiling face. Because a smile is magnetic, it also attracts smile to you.

Mom know that when she is joyful, she is

J-Joining her faith with God on your behalf to ensure you end up a joyful personality.  She acknowledges that God is the final statement of joy for your life and she understands this as her only joyful secret.

O-Overcoming her fears and your fears by trusting on the maker of life who is capable of seeing you through life’s many storms and challenges.

Y-Yearning to see you smile at last the champions that will be the source of joy to the word too.

Mom wants you to know too that when you are joyful, you are

J-Joining faith with her towards god as he leads your life towards greatness villa.

O-Overcoming your fears and become the ensample of a joyful person the world is looking up to.

Y-yielding to no other than the greatest personality who can only help see you through those dare situation.

Mom wants to celebrate you. Remember she wants to see you at your best. Anything less than these are short of her expectation. She wants you to know she has a right to joyfulness. Your best is a must!