Mom Knows by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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Have you seen your mom in tears? It is not always a great sight right? Yes! Nevertheless, sometimes she sheds tears for you. Mom often makes her tears in prayers for you. She cries to God on your behalf. She looks up to God and understands that the difference she can make in you is by her head been between her knees in tears to God on your behalf. Mom had phantom out the secret of great persons and that is the mother’s tears. You want to know what she says when she is in tears right.

She says

Almighty father (sobs)

I am just a care taker

I’m only a woman

Made from just sand

You’ve given this child

And you’ve made me a guide

I hope she knows your will

You from her do not conceal

She is a great personality

And I trust you’d keep her from frivolities

Help her to recognize her strength

Uphold her so she does not faint

Let her be my source of courage

And to others let her encourage

Uplift her oh lord

Let her know the power in her words

Let her have faith in you

 To be a help to others too

I know you’ve made her special

You are her buoy of inertia

Build her to appreciate you even more

Create a story, a lore

She is an achiever

A virtue you showed me when I received her

Let her know who she really is

And enjoy heavens peace bliss

For my daughter. (She cleans her tears)

What a prayer in tears for a child? Your mom does same. She always desires your best and every sacrifice that has to be made even to her tears she does to ensure you become your absolute best.

Mom’s tears could also be a negative one. Many times some kids force tears out of their mother’s eyes by being disobedient. They show negligence and disrespect to their moms authority, which God has instituted. You must realize that when you force mom’s tears against her will, it is devastating to the child who causes that. You will not want to make your mother weep for your actions. You will not love to see it happen. You will want to see her with joyful tears.

Mom’s positive tears

Transforms you from an underachiever to a success. She knows you are meant for greatness and her tears are resolute backing you up toward that point.

Energizes and empowers you for strategic and uncommon greatness. Her tears are the oil for the engine you ensuring you don’t wear and tear.

Attracts goodly attention to you. It brings about sporadic blessings by bringing persons along your path through which God will bless you

Reaches heavens throne begging for favor from God on your behalf.

Seeks and searches for the best opportunities which she know you are meant to have. You are no mediocre and your value is worth more than rubies. She does not underestimate you but puts you where you must be, the top.

And moms negative tears

Trades your greatness for mediocrity. You lose the offer of greatness which God has given you “for a lower than your value life”

Endangers your future glory. Any negative act you portray that gives mom tears is slowly eating your future away. Mom does not want this to happen, but you must show yourself responsible enough to act against this.

Acts against your desired rise. As much as you are strong and making effort to rise, the fact that mom releases unhappy tears caused by you is detrimental to your desirous rise.

Relinquishes her spiritual presence and prayers over you.

Steers your vehicle away from safe haven to death villa. Your talent, ability and capability is killed finally ending in physical death.

Mom’s tears are powerful. It’s up to you to apply them for your own benefit or abuse them to your detriment.